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马蔷1,2(), 金会军1,2,3()
Impacts of climate warming on soil organic carbon pools in permafrost regions
Qiang MA1,2(), Huijun JIN1,2,3()

图1. 俄罗斯东西伯利亚北部亚纳河上游Batagaika泰加林带的巨型热融滑塌(来源: http://spookygeologycom/the-hellmouth-batagaika-crater/, 有修改)

Fig.1. A huge thaw slumping in the Batagaika taiga zone in upper reaches of the Yana River, north region of eastern Siberia, Russia (source: http://spookygeology.com/the-hellmouth-batagaika-crater/, revised)