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马蔷1,2(), 金会军1,2,3()
Impacts of climate warming on soil organic carbon pools in permafrost regions
Qiang MA1,2(), Huijun JIN1,2,3()

图2. 对碳循环有重要影响的热喀斯特现象 [(a)来源: http://commons.sikimedia.org/wiki/File:Permafrost thaw ponds in Hudson Bay Canada near Greenland.jpg, (d)来源: https://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0415-danger-of-methane-explosions-on-yamal-peninsula-scientists-warn/]

Fig.2. Thermokarst landscapes, which may play important role to carbon cycle: thawing lakes in Hudson Bay, central Canada (a)(source: http://commons.sikimedia.org/wiki/File:Permafrost thaw ponds in Hudson Bay Canada near Greenland.jpg),thermal erosion ditch near Wanlong Warma Lake, the northeast Tibetan Plateau (b), active layer landslide in Canadian Arctic offshore76 (c), and a giant sinkhole on Russia’s Yamal Peninsula in the Arctic (d) (source: https://siberiantimes.com/science/casestudy/news/n0415-danger-of-methane-explosions-on-yamal-peninsula-scientists-warn/)