2008 - 2014年青冰滩72号冰川物质平衡特征分析
车彦军, 张明军, 李忠勤, 金爽, 王文彬, 王圣杰

Understanding the mass balance characteristics of Qingbingtan Glacier No. 72 during the period of 2008 - 2014
Yanjun CHE, Mingjun ZHANG, Zhongqin LI, Shuang JIN, Wenbin WANG, Shengjie WANG
图2 ETM+影像条带丢失数据修复前后对比和遥感影像数据的空间几何校正: (a)、 (b)为影像去条带前后对比, (c)为1965年地形图, (d)为基于地形图几何校正后的影像
Fig.2 Comparison of Landsat 7 ETM+ images between with gap and filled-gap images, and showing the corrected image based on the topographic map. In plots, (a) is the image with data missing gap, (b) is the image after filled the gap, (c) is the topographic map in 1965 and (d) is the image after geometric rectification and image rectification