2008 - 2014年青冰滩72号冰川物质平衡特征分析
车彦军, 张明军, 李忠勤, 金爽, 王文彬, 王圣杰

Understanding the mass balance characteristics of Qingbingtan Glacier No. 72 during the period of 2008 - 2014
Yanjun CHE, Mingjun ZHANG, Zhongqin LI, Shuang JIN, Wenbin WANG, Shengjie WANG
图6 青冰滩72号冰川2009 - 2014年平衡线位置信息解译
Fig.6 Interpretated spatial information of equilibrium-line position on the Qingbingtan Glacier No.72 from 2009 to 2014