原黎明, 赵林, 胡国杰, 马露, 周华云, 刘世博, 乔永平

Hydro-thermal dynamic and soil thermal diffusivity characteristics of typical active layer on the central Tibetan Plateau
Liming YUAN, Lin ZHAO, Guojie HU, Lu MA, Huayun ZHOU, Shibo LIU, Yongping QIAO
图7 不同土壤深度地温的热扩散率、 热对流参数及热扩散率梯度月平均值的季节动态
Fig.7 Monthly means of soil thermal diffusivity (K), thermal convection parameter (W), gradient of soil thermal diffusivity (gradK) for the 5 - 20 cm soil layer at QT04 and QT06 sites in 2013 (The numbers in figures represent the days of available data per month)