郝君明, 吴通华, 李韧, 吴晓东, 谢昌卫, 朱小凡, 李旺平, 邹德富, 胡国杰, 杜二计, 刘广岳, 乔永平

A case study on earthflow in Yushu, Qinghai Province on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: landslide features and cause analysis
Junming HAO, Tonghua WU, Ren LI, Xiaodong WU, Changwei XIE, Xiaofan ZHU, Wangping LI, Defu ZOU, Guojie HU, Erji DU, Guangyue LIU, Yongping QIAO
图7 2017 - 2018年滑坡区地温剖面(数据来源: 中国气象局陆面数据同化系统)
Fig.7 Monthly variation of ground temperature profile in the landslide area from 2017 to 2018 (data source: land surface data assimilation system of China Meteorological Administration)