4 000 a B.P.以来中巴经济走廊北段塔什库尔干气候变化对东西方文化交流的影响
杨帆, 马亚鹏, 夏敦胜, 范义姣, 刘慧

Fan YANG, Yapeng MA, Dunsheng XIA, Yijiao FAN, Hui LIU
图3 基于多种参数集成的研究区域晚全新世湿度演化模式57-66
注:图中灰色柱状图代表各个小区域4 000 a B.P.以来气候变干时段; 黑色虚线代表气候变化点集成后总体4 000 a B.P.以来气候变干时段
Fig.3 The evolution models of late Holocene humidity in the study area based on multiple parameter integration57-66 (The gray histogram in the figure represents climate drying period of each small area since 4 000 a B.P.; the black dotted line represents the overall drying period after the integration of climate change points since 4 000 a B.P.)