基于Polar WRF的南极Dome A极端低温事件分析
王一丞, 谢爱红, 丁明虎, 效存德

Extreme low temperature events in Dome A, Antarctica, simulated by Polar Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Yicheng WANG, Aihong XIE, Minghu DING, Cunde XIAO
图5 2013年7月31日00:00 - 8月3日00:00 Dome A气象要素变化(红色实线为风速, 红色虚线为气压, 紫色实线为温度, 紫色虚线为相对湿度)
Fig.5 Time series of meteorological elements at Dome A from July 31 to August 2, 2013, including wind speed (black line), pressure (blue line), temperature (red line), and relative humidity (green line)