1962 - 2013年新疆阿勒泰极端气温时空变化特征
吕婷, 武胜利, 葛欢欢, 李京龙

Spatial and temporal variation characteristics of extreme air temperature in Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang, 1962 - 2013
Ting LÜ, Shengli WU, Huanhuan GE, Jinglong LI
图7 1962 - 2013年阿勒泰地区极端气温冷指数的空间变化
Fig.7 Spatial variations of extremely minimum air temperature (a), extremely low of the maximum air temperature (b), cold day days (c), cold night days (d), ice days (e) and frost days (f) in Altay Prefecture, 1962 - 2013