1980 - 2015年南迦巴瓦峰地区冰川变化及其对气候变化的响应
吴坤鹏, 刘时银, 郭万钦

Glacier variation and its response to climate change in the Mount Namjagbarwa from 1980 to 2015
Kunpeng WU, Shiyin LIU, Wanqin GUO
图7 裸露冰川与表碛覆盖冰川的面积变化率(a)与末端海拔抬升高度(b)
Fig.7 Glacierized area changing rate (a) and glacier terminus rising (b) changing with glacier size for debris-free and debris-covered glaciers from 1980 to 2015 in the Mount Namjagbarwa