1998 - 2017年天山麦兹巴赫冰川湖面积变化研究
李达, 上官冬辉, 黄维东

Research on the area change of Lake Merzbacher in the Tianshan Mountains during 1998 - 2017
Da LI, Donghui SHANGGUAN, Weidong HUANG
图5 2000 - 2014年麦兹巴赫冰川湖“下湖”面积与正积温变化曲线(a)与麦兹巴赫冰川湖“下湖”面积与正积温相关性(b)
Fig.5 Variations of the area of Lower Lake of Lake Merzbacher and positive accumulated temperature during 2000 - 2014 (a) and correlated between area of the Lower Lake of Lake Merzbacher and positive accumulated temperature (b)