中国第一代再分析产品CRA Interim气温在东南极中山站 - Dome A断面的适用性分析
朱江萍, 谢爱红, 丁明虎, 赵聪, 郭晓寅, 胡婉嫔, 徐冰, 秦翔

Applicability analysis of the air temperature in the CMA Global ReAnalysis product CRA Interim in the section from Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica
Jiangping ZHU, Aihong XIE, Minghu DING, Cong ZHAO, Xiaoyin GUO, Wanpin HU, Bing XU, Xiang QIN
图9 极端高温事件发生前、 中、 后的地面温压场
Fig.9 Surface temperature fields (left) and pressure fields (right) for the three automatic weather stations (AWS) before (a, b), at (c, d) and after (e, f) the extreme high temperature event, i.e., Jul. 25 - Jul. 29, Jul. 30 - Aug. 2, and Aug. 3 - Aug. 6