何瑞霞, 金会军, 蒋观利, 张泽, 陈雪梅, SERBAN Raul David, SERBAN Mihaela, VANDENBERGHE Jef, SPEKTOR Valentin V., FRENCH Hugh M.

Progress in the study on the periglacial phenomena on the Ordos Plateau, Inner Mongolia, China
Ruixia HE, Huijun JIN, Guanli JIANG, Ze ZHANG, Xuemei CHEN, Raul David SERBAN, Mihaela SERBAN, Jef VANDENBERGHE, Valentin V. SPEKTOR, Hugh M. FRENCH
图1 2018年内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原古冰缘遗迹考察线及取样点
Fig.1 Map showing the sampling points for the study on periglacial phenomena on the Ordos Plateau, IMAR in 2018