周雅雯, 白莹莹, 阚泽宇, 王珍, 张艳, 倪永清

Phylogeny and diversity of culturable airborne yeasts at different altitude on the Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in the Tianshan Mountains
Yawen ZHOU, Yingying BAI, Zeyu KAN, Zhen WANG, Yan ZHANG, Yongqing NI
图2 基于ITS rRNA基因序列的乌源1号冰川空气源酵母菌系统发育树
Fig.2 Neighbour-joining tree showing the phylogenetic relationships among yeast strains, taken from the Urumqi Glacier No.1, based on ITS rRNA gene partial sequences and related sequences downloaded from GenBank (The numbers at the nodes indicating the bootstrap values based on neighbor-joining analyses of 1 000 resampled datasets; bar 0.02 at the bottom is the sequence divergence)