
Glacial activity during early stage of Last Glaciation in southeastern Tibet and its paleoclimate implication
Jinming XIE,Shangzhe ZHOU,Liubing XU,Taibao YANG
图9 西藏东南部MIS 4冰期冰川作用与亚洲季风区的古气候记录对比
Fig.9 Climatic archives relative to the glacial activities during MIS 4 across the monsoonal Asia: probability density estimate of the OSL ages (Black dots show age of moraine, and the blue one indicates that of river terrace) (a), summer (June-July-August) mean isolation at 30°N55 (b), benthic δ18O records58 (c), speleothem δ18O data from Dongge, Hulu, and Sanbao Caves in China59 (d), reconstructed annual air temperature at Lake Tengchongqinghai57 (e)