
Late Quaternary glacial sequence and landform evolution in the Xiate River valley, Tianshan Mountains, China
Ruilian LIU,Jingdong ZHAO,Xiufeng YIN
图6 夏特河流域冰川演化(a)与台兰河流域14(b)、木扎尔特河流域13(c)、阿特奥依纳克河流域12(d)、MIS(e)、古里雅冰芯δ18O记录54(f)以及全球57条海洋δ18O记录55(g)对比
Fig.6 A comparison of Quaternary glacial chronology in Xiate River valley (a) with Tailan River valley14 (b), Muzart River valley13 (c), Ateaoyinake River valley12 (d), marine oxygen isotope stage (MIS) (e), δ18O record of the Guliya ice core54 (f), and δ18O record of the 57 globally distributed benthic sediments55 (g)