
Quaternary climate evolution recorded by loess chromatic proxy in Xijin, Lanzhou
Manli SHEN,Jun ZHANG,Zhengchuang HUI
图3 西津黄土-古土壤序列色度及χfd%与洛川黄土低频磁化率和深海氧同位素记录的比较
Fig.3 Comparison of chroma and percentage frequency-dependent magnetic susceptibility record of Xijin loess-paleosoil sequence with low-frequency magnetic susceptibility of Luochuan loess and stacked deep-sea δ18O records: L* for Xijin (a), a* for Xijin (b), b* for Xijin (c), χfd% for Xijin18 (d), χlf for Luochuan45 (e), and stacked deep-sea benthic foraminiferal δ18O41 (f)