
Review of changes and impacts of the cryosphere under the background of rapid Arctic warming
Ziyi CAI,Qinglong YOU,Deliang CHEN,Ruonan ZHANG,Jinlei CHEN,Shichang KANG
图5 与历史时期(1986—2005年)相比,近期(2021—2040年)、中期(2041—2060年)和远期(2081—2100年)北极年平均近地表气温变化(℃)与年降水量变化(%)的空间分布(根据22个CMIP6模式在SSP1-2.6、SSP2-4.5和SSP5-8.5情景下的集合平均结果计算38
Fig.5 Spatial patterns of near-surface mean air temperature and precipitation changes in the Arctic in the near-term (2021—2040), mid-term (2041—2060) and long-term (2081—2100) relative to the reference period (1986—2005) (The projections were obtained from the multi-model ensemble mean of the 22 CMIP6 models under the SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios38