
Relationship between the tree ring width of Sabina saltuaria and climate factors in Haizi Mountain, Daocheng, Sichuan
Lili ZOU,Shanshan XU,Chaogang ZHENG,Shengrui LI,Wanjing LIAN,Zhiyuan SHANG,Zhigang ZHANG,Xinggong KONG,Zhijun ZHAO
图7 重建序列(a)与青藏高原东南部其他气温重建序列对比(b, c),重建序列与太阳黑子(d)和AMO(e)变化对比,黑线为11 a低通滤波值
Fig.7 Comparison of the reconstructed mean temperature (a) in this study with others temperature records in southeastern Tibetan Plateau (b, c), the instumental recored sunspot numbers (d) and AMO (e) over their common period, the black line indicates 11-year lowpass filtering value