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蒋军新1(), 蔡明1, 徐永军1, 方功焕2(), 李稚2, 陈永金3
Evolution trend of flood in the Aksu River basin, Xinjiang
Junxin JIANG1(), Ming CAI1, Yongjun XU1, Gonghuan FANG2(), Zhi LI2, Yongjin CHEN3

图4. 库玛拉克河和托什干河的洪水与降水关系
注:其中阴影部分表示降水发生时间和大小(为了方便显示,用实际降水量的15%显示),红色圆点表示洪水发生时间(横坐标)和最大降水发生时间(竖坐标)。左上角的子图为1958—2011年洪水发生前后15 d的平均流量和平均降水量

Fig.4. Relationship between the timing of floods and precipitation of the Kumarak River and the Toshgan River
Note:The shaded area indicates the precipitation amount,and the red dot indicates the timing of flood and the maximum precipitation. The subgraphs in the upper left corner are the average flow and the average previous following 15 days precipitation