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王乃昂(), 安东, 孙德浩, 刘啸, 陆晨遨, 孟楠, 杨丹, 王媛媛, 席振鑫
History of debris flow and genetic type of boulder levee in Eyukou, Mengshan Mountains, Shandong Province
Nai’ang WANG(), Antuk, Dehao SUN, Xiao LIU, Chen’ao LU, Nan MENG, Dan YANG, Yuanyuan WANG, Zhenxin XI

图2. 冰缘地貌景观

Fig.2. Landscape of periglacial landform: block field in Wutai Mountains (a); block field in Shennongjia Forestry District (b); block stream in Binggouhe River, Qilian Mountains (c); detrital (debris) slope in Taibai Mountains (d); talus scree in Nanhutashan Mountains (e); detrital (debris) slope in Jade Mountain (f)