氧同位素示踪夏季北冰洋(62.3°~74.7° N)大气硝酸盐形成途径的研究

Using oxygen isotopes to trace the formation pathways of atmospheric nitrate over summer Arctic Ocean (62.3°~74.7° N)
Pengzhen HE,Zhouqing XIE
图2 2012年夏季中国第五次北极科考航线北冰洋航段上气溶胶样品中Δ17O(NO3)和δ15N(NO3)观测结果;图中的经纬度为样品采集期间的中值,背景图中的灰度指示海洋的深浅42
Fig.2 The observation of atmospheric Δ17O(NO3) and δ15N(NO3) along the cruise over the Arctic Ocean during 5th Chinese National Arctic research Expedition in summer 2012; The gray level in the background represents the ocean bathymetry42