氧同位素示踪夏季北冰洋(62.3°~74.7° N)大气硝酸盐形成途径的研究

Using oxygen isotopes to trace the formation pathways of atmospheric nitrate over summer Arctic Ocean (62.3°~74.7° N)
Pengzhen HE,Zhouqing XIE
图4 基于观测的Δ17O(NO3)评估不同生成途径对硝酸盐的贡献百分比,图中R3、R5、R7~R9分别为NO2+OH、N2O5+H2O(aq)、NO3+HC/DMS、NO3+H2O(aq)和XNO3+H2O(aq),虚线为1:1线
Fig. 4 The estimate of possible fractional contribution of different formation pathways to nitrate production based on Δ17O(NO3), R3, R5, R7~R9 represents NO2+OH, N2O5+H2O(aq), NO3+HC/DMS, NO3+H2O(aq) and XNO3+H2O(aq), respectively. The dash line is for 1:1