氧同位素示踪夏季北冰洋(62.3°~74.7° N)大气硝酸盐形成途径的研究

Using oxygen isotopes to trace the formation pathways of atmospheric nitrate over summer Arctic Ocean (62.3°~74.7° N)
Pengzhen HE,Zhouqing XIE
图5 特征样品采集期间的气团后向轨迹。图中红色实线为样品2采集期间[最低Δ17O(NO3)=21.7‰,8月6日至7日]的气团后向轨迹,蓝色实线为样品5和6采集期间[最高Δ17O(NO3)=28.1‰~28.8‰, 8月12日至14日]的气团后向轨迹。气团后向轨迹反演时长为5 d,高度为50 m(接近采样点海拔高度),黑色点线为样品采集覆盖的位置,红色点代表城市。该图由TrajStat软件所作44,该软件使用HYSPLIT后向轨迹模式,其中气象场数据来自于美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA),分辨率为1°×1°
Fig. 5 The backward trajectory analysis of air mass during the collection of featured aerosol samples. The red lines represent backward trajectories of air mass during the collection of Sample 2 in August 6—7 when Δ17O(NO3) is the lowest while the blue lines represent backward trajectories of air mass during the collection of Samples 5~6 in August 12—14 when Δ17O(NO3) are the highest. The running time and altitude for each of the backward trajectory analysis is 5 days and 50 m, respectively. The black dot-lines represent locations of the sampling covered, the red dots are cities on land. This figure was drawn by TrajStat44, in which the model of HYSPLIT and meteorological data of 1°×1° from NOAA was used