氧同位素示踪夏季北冰洋(62.3°~74.7° N)大气硝酸盐形成途径的研究

Using oxygen isotopes to trace the formation pathways of atmospheric nitrate over summer Arctic Ocean (62.3°~74.7° N)
Pengzhen HE,Zhouqing XIE
图6 卫星观测的BrO柱浓度。图中蓝点代表采样点的经纬度中值位置。图片来源于http://www.iup.physikuni-bremen.de/doas/scia_data_browser.htm(2021-07-06 访问),并进行了全局对比度和亮度调整
Fig.6 The vertical column concentration of BrO observed by satellite. The blue dot represents the median location of the filter sampling. The BrO figures were modified fromhttp://www.iup.physik.uni-bremende/doas/scia_data_browser.htm(2021-07-06 accessed)