
Cycling of carbon, nitrogen and pollutants under permafrost degradation: a review
Lanxiang WANG,Huike DONG,Ping GONG,Chuanfei WANG,Xiaodong WU
图2 南极多年冻土剖面中PAHs的分布趋势64,采样点D和I均位于南极Jubany站(a);我国大兴安岭地区多年冻土剖面中PAHs的分布规律,数据来源参考文献[65](b);我国大兴安岭地区不同下垫面类型的多年冻土剖面中OCPs的分布趋势,数据来源参考文献[66](c)
Fig. 2 Distribution of PAHs in Antarctic permafrost64, the sampling station D and I are located at Jubany Station (a); Distribution of PAHs in permafrost in the Greater Khingan Range of China, data from Ref.65 (b); Distribution of OCPs in permafrost in the Greater Khingan Range of China, data from Ref.66 (c)