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薛健1,2(), 李宗省1(), 冯起1, 缪驰远3, 邓晓红4, 狄振华3, 叶爱中3, 龚伟3, 张百娟1,2, 桂娟1,2, 高文德1,5
Spatiotemporal variation characteristics of water conservation amount in the Qilian Mountains from 1980 to 2017
Jian XUE1,2(), Zongxing LI1(), Qi FENG1, Chiyuan MIAO3, Xiaohong DENG4, Zhenhua DI3, Aizhong YE3, Wei GONG3, Baijuan ZHANG1,2, Juan GUI1,2, Wende GAO1,5

图2. 1980—2017年祁连山水源涵养量空间分布

Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of water conservation amount in the Qilian Mountains from 1980 to 2017