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彭丽云1,2(), 华小宁1,2, 刘德欣3, 齐吉琳1,2()
Study on frost heaving characteristics of silt reinforced with anticorrosive treated straw
Liyun PENG1,2(), Xiaoning HUA1,2, Dexin LIU3, Jilin QI1,2()

图3. 不同秸秆掺量下不同土样高度处温度随时间的变化(T=-3 ℃, l=15 mm)

Fig.3. Variations of soil temperature with time at different heights with various straw contents: c=0.2% (a), c=0.4% (b) and c=0.8% (c) (T=-3 ℃, l=15 mm)