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罗京(), 牛富俊(), 林战举, 刘明浩, 尹国安, 高泽永
The characteristics and patterns of retrogressive thaw slumps developed in permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Jing LUO(), Fujun NIU(), Zhanju LIN, Minghao LIU, Guoan YIN, Zeyong GAO

图3. 北麓河盆地热融滑塌形态统计特征:面积(a);周长(b);圆度(c);长/宽(d)

Fig.3. The morphological characteristics of the retrogressive thaw slumps in the Beiluhe Basin: histograms of area (a), perimeter (b), circularity (c), and length-to-width ratios (d)