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冯紫荆1(), 何天豪1, 汪少勇2, 何晓波2(), 高红凯1()
The impacts of albedo on Dongkemadi Glacier runoff and mass balance simulation
Zijing FENG1(), Tianhao HE1, Shaoyong WANG2, Xiaobo HE2(), Hongkai GAO1()

图1. 冬克玛底流域冰川分布、高程、大本营断面观测站及小冬克玛底冰川的花杆分布(a);冬克玛底流域不同坡向分布(b)

Fig.1. The boundary of Dongkemadi Glacier, the Digtial Elevation Model (DEM), the location of basis camp automatic weather station (BCAWS), basis camp stream gauge station, and stakes observation network on the Xiao Dongkemadi Glacier (a); the aspect map of the Dongkemadi Glacier basin (b)