庞小冲, 朱小明, 穆彦虎, 张坤, 张力杰, 郑波, 李凌洁

Review on engineering practice and research progress on thermal insulation length of tunnels in cold regions
Xiaochong PANG, Xiaoming ZHU, Yanhu MU, Kun ZHANG, Lijie ZHANG, Bo ZHENG, Lingjie LI
表5 保温层设置长度26 (m)
Table 5 Thermal insulation length of tunnels in cold regions26
-54091 4989541 000
-106222 2031 4121 500
-157942 5981 6961 750
-209452 8671 9062 000
-251 0813 1952 1382 200
-301 2073 7672 4872 550
-351 3254 7673 0463 100