杨舒然, 杨玮琳, 韩业松, 杨彦敏, 李梦真, 崔之久, 刘耕年

Reconstruction of glacial extent of the Zheduoshan Mountains, eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its climatic implications
Shuran YANG, Weilin YANG, Yesong HAN, Yanmin YANG, Mengzhen LI, Zhijiu CUI, Gengnian LIU
图3 折多山多日阿嘎莫-江巴沟一带代表性冰川地貌(位置参见图1江巴沟)
Fig. 3 Representative glacial landforms in Duoriagamo and Jiangbagou, Zheduoshan(cf. Jingbagou of the Fig.1)