李英奎, 杨玮琳, 陈鑫, 刘强, 许向科

Glacial models and their applications on palaeo-glacial reconstruction
Yingkui LI, Weilin YANG, Xin CHEN, Qiang LIU, Xiangke XU
图3 自动流线对比分析方法(根据Li等114修改):野外实测的冰川流线与冰川模拟的流线(栅格格式表达)(a);将实测流线与模拟流线在不同模拟时段进行栅格叠加(b); 不同时段冰川模拟流线与实测流线的平均角度差异变化(c);选取的两个特定时段模拟流向与实测流向的角度差异变化分布(d)
Fig. 3 AFDA analysis (modified from Li et al114): field-based glacial lineations and model outputs used in the analysis (a); overlay model outputs and field evidence to produce a series of residual datasets for different time slices (b); plot resultant mean of residuals against their corresponding time slices to identify temporal patterns of correspondence between predicted directions and field observations (c); frequency analysis (rose diagram) of selected time slices (e.g. d and f) provides detail information on distribution of residuals across area and can be used to evaluate level of correspondence (d)