刘亮, 翟羿杰, 张威, 初智豪

Late Quaternary glaciations in North America based on 10Be exposure ages
Liang LIU, Yijie ZHAI, Wei ZHANG, Zhihao CHU
图4 北美洲各区全新世概率密度图与Bond事件
注:Bond事件划分参考了文献[108]; 古气候替代记录包含: a. 格陵兰温度重建109, b. 北大西洋浮冰碎片堆栈110, c. GISP2冰芯88
Fig. 4 Holocene probability density plots and Bond events in the four regions of North America (The classification of Bond events refers to Reference [108]; Paleoclimate proxy records contains: a. Greenland temperature reconstruction109, b. ice-rafted debris stack from four North Atlantic sediment cores110, c. GISP2 ice core88