胡海平, 冯金良, 刘金花, 陈锋

Discussion on spatio-temporal relationship of late Pleistocene dammed palaeo-lakes at the middle Yarlung Tsangpo River
Haiping HU, Jinliang FENG, Jinhua LIU, Feng CHEN
图2 雅鲁藏布江大峡谷入口处则隆弄冰川冰碛垄(镜头向东北)(a)和大竹卡—约居出口典型的冰川U形谷(镜头向西北)(b)
Fig. 2 Moraine of the Zelunglung Glacier at the entrance of the Yarlung Tsangpo Gorge (northeastern view) (a) and a typical U-shaped valley at the outlet of the Dazhuka-Yueju gorge (northwestern view) (b)