洪洋, 耿豪鹏, 潘保田

Frost cracking controlled scree spatial distribution in the Qilian Mountains
Yang HONG, Haopeng GENG, Baotian PAN
图2 年平均气温为-3 ℃及Ta =15 ℃时温度随时间和深度的变化[灰色阴影为寒冻风化窗所在范围(温度在-3~-8 ℃时),垂直的黑色虚线为0 ℃所在位置;紫色实线(t=182)代表温度随深度的非单调变化]
Fig. 2 Schematic representation of the temperature variation as a function of depth using TMA of -3 °C and Ta of 15 °C [The grey shadow represents the frost cracking window, between -3 and -8 °C; The black dashed line represents the location of 0 °C; The purple line (t=182) is an example of a depth profile with two 0 °C locations and an inflection point]