师璐璐, 陈剑, 陈瑞琛, 崔之久, 米东东, 吕明升, 刘蓓蓓

Geomorphological characteristics and failure mechanism of Ganheba rock-ice avalanche in Lijiang
Lulu SHI, Jian CHEN, Ruichen CHEN, Zhijiu CUI, Dongdong MI, Mingsheng LÜ, Beibei LIU
图6 堆积区表面特征
Fig.6 Topography features of the accumulation zone: ice mass in accumulation zone III-1, cited by Cui Zhijiu, 201332 (a); boulders in accumulation zone III-2 (b); distribution characteristics of the blocks at the front edge of the accumulation area III-2 (c); trees at the lateral edges of the deposit (d)