王习敏, 黄荣刚, 徐志达, 焦志平, 江利明

Extraction of solifluction terraces in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on deep learning and high-resolution remote sensing images
Ximin WANG, Ronggang HUANG, Zhida XU, Zhiping JIAO, Liming JIANG
图4 泥流阶地人工勾勒正负样本示例
Fig. 4 Examples of manually delineated positive and negative samples: solifluction terraces with high risers and strong textures (a); solifluction terraces with low risers and weak textures (b); solifluction terraces covered by bare soil (c); solifluction terraces covered by vegetation (d); ridge lines (e); valley lines (f); raised paths through farmlands (g); gullies (h)