郑锦文, 左志燕, 蔺邹兴, 肖栋

Interdecadal relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) of Barents-Kara Sea and wintertime air surface temperature of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Jinwen ZHENG, Zhiyan ZUO, Zouxing LIN, Dong XIAO
图1 中国1961—2017年冬季地表气温的年平均空间分布(a)及青藏高原区域平均后去趋势的标准化时间序列(b)
Fig. 1 Annual average spatial distribution of wintertime air surface temperature in China from 1961 to 2017 (a) and the detrended, standardized and regional averaged time series of air surface temperature of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (b)