郑锦文, 左志燕, 蔺邹兴, 肖栋

Interdecadal relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) of Barents-Kara Sea and wintertime air surface temperature of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Jinwen ZHENG, Zhiyan ZUO, Zouxing LIN, Dong XIAO
图3 1961—2017年冬季青藏高原地表气温15年低通滤波序列(a)及15年低通滤波后的海表面温度与15年低通滤波后的中国区域地表气温时间序列的相关场空间分布(b)(阴影区域表示通过了订正自由度后的95%的Student’s t检验)
Fig. 3 The 15-years low-pass filter sequence of air surface temperature of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in winter from 1961 to 2017 (a) and spatial distribution of the correlation field between sea surface temperature after 15-years low-pass filtering and time series of regional air surface temperature in China after 15-years low-pass filtering (b) (The shaded area indicates passing 95% Student’s t-test after the revised degrees of freedom)