姚明星, 赵锐, 杨林川, 齐华, 廖昕, 孟祥连, 周福军

Spatial distribution of permafrost ground temperature by using GWRRK simulation: a case study on the section from Kunlun Mountain to Chiqu Valley around the Qinghai-Tibet Railway
Mingxing YAO, Rui ZHAO, Linchuan YANG, Hua QI, Xin LIAO, Xianglian MENG, Fujun ZHOU
图4 研究区域内不同地形位置钻孔点地温模拟值与实测值对比
Fig. 4 Comparison between simulation results and borehole ground temperatures in different terrain areas: Kunlun Mountain (a), Chumar River High Plain (b), Hoh Xil Mountain (c), Beilu River Basin (d), Fenghuo Mountain (e) and Chiqu Valley (f)