刘金科, 姚济敏, 谷良雷, 李韧, 吴晓东, 吴通华, 谢昌卫, 邹德富, 乔永平, 胡国杰, 肖瑶, 史健宗

The surface energy budget process and preliminary analysis of its impact on the active layer in the permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Jinke LIU, Jimin YAO, Lianglei GU, Ren LI, Xiaodong WU, Tonghua WU, Changwei XIE, Defu ZOU, Yongping QIAO, Guojie HU, Yao XIAO, Jianzong SHI
图3 2005—2016年唐古拉(TGL)和西大滩(XDT)年平均地表能量通量变化特征(Rn 为净辐射,H为感热,LE为潜热,G为地表土壤热通量,下同)
Fig. 3 The interannual variations of surface energy fluxes at TGL and XDT sites from 2005 to 2016 (Rn is net radiation,H is sensible heat flux, LE is latent heat flux, and G is ground soil heat flux, similarly below)