王逸凡, 高晶, 胡迈, 姚檀栋, 牛晓伟, 赵爱斌, 申子恒

The source and sink of atmospheric methane and spatial-temporal variation of its concentration on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Yifan WANG, Jing GAO, Mai HU, Tandong YAO, Xiaowei NIU, Aibin ZHAO, Ziheng SHEN
图2 青藏高原CH4收支示意图(黑色线条表示自然源,灰色线条表示人为源,虚线表示不确定的排放源)
Fig. 2 Methane budget of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (Black lines represent natural sources, grey lines represent anthropogenic sources, dotted lines represent uncertain sources)