张莲海, 马巍, 石亚军, 黄永庭, 韩大伟, 杨成松, 尚飞, 周成林

The modes and its implications of water accumulation near the freezing front during soil freezing with considering ice segregation
Lianhai ZHANG, Wei MA, Yajun SHI, Yongting HUANG, Dawei HAN, Chengsong YANG, Fei SHANG, Chenglin ZHOU
图6 兰州黄土试样冻融过程中不同深度处温度及未冻水含量的动态变化
Fig. 6 The variations of temperature and unfrozen water in each layer of Lanzhou loess sample when subjected to freezing and thawing: soil sample LZ1 with closed system (a); soil sample LZ2 with open system allowing water flowing out (b)