冰川冻土, 2023, 45(6): 1950-1960 doi: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2023.0149



汪宙峰,1,2, 郑博1, 贺相綦3, 张焱菁1, 沈惠龄1

1.西南石油大学 地球科学与技术学院, 四川 成都 610500

2.西南石油大学 天然气地质四川省重点实验室, 四川 成都 610500

3.北京师范大学 全球变化与地球系统科学研究院, 中国 北京 100875

Spatial-temporal variations and influencing factors of glacial lakes in Tibet based on Optimal Parameters-Based Geographical Detector

WANG Zhoufeng,1,2, ZHENG Bo1, HE Xiangqi3, ZHANG Yanjing1, SHEN Huiling1

1.School of Geoscience and Technology,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China

2.Natural Gas Geology Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu 610500,China

3.College of Global Change and Earth System Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China

收稿日期: 2023-04-14   修回日期: 2023-10-20  

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划.  2020YFF0414359
四川省科技计划资助.  2023YFS0406
成都市科技人才创新创业项目.  2021-RC03-00027-CG
四川省知识产权高价值专利实施及产业化项目.  2022-ZS-00022

Received: 2023-04-14   Revised: 2023-10-20  

作者简介 About authors

汪宙峰,副教授,主要从事地理空间人工智能、地质灾害预测预警方面的研究.E-mail:wangzf@swpu.edu.cn , E-mail:wangzf@swpu.edu.cn


随着全球变暖的加剧,西藏地区冰湖的规模不断扩大,由此可能会发生冰湖溃决自然灾害。本文基于GIS空间分析和参数最优地理探测器方法,分析了西藏地区1990年至2015年间冰湖时空变化以及各环境因子:冰湖海拔、年总降水、年平均温度、年相对湿度、冰川面积变化、GDP、人口密度的影响程度。结果表明:(1)25年间冰湖总数量和总面积的增长率分别为2.57%、6.32%,各个面积大小的冰湖在不同的海拔都有增长,增长最多的是小型冰湖(面积小于0.1 km2),西藏冰湖增长方向性显著,数量分布和面积分布离散程度高,基本分布在西藏东部和南部地区。(2)通过Pearson相关分析,西藏冰湖变化主要受该地区冰川面积变化以及降水量大小影响。(3)地理探测器中,冰川面积变化对冰湖变化影响强度最高,q值为0.5006;交互作用探测中,温度因子与冰川面积变化因子交互作用后对冰湖变化影响解释力最强,且呈非线性增强关系,除温度因子以外,冰湖变化受各因子交互作用影响强度高。

关键词: 西藏地区 ; 冰湖 ; 时空变化 ; 参数最优地理探测器


With the intensification of global warming, glaciers at high altitudes in Asia are in an overall state of accelerated melting, the glacial lakes, which are mainly recharged by glacier meltwater, are undergoing rapid changes. As one of the important water resources in Tibet, glacial lakes play an important role in the daily life of the local people. The scale of glacial lakes in Tibet has been expanding, which may lead to natural disasters such as glacial lake outburst. Tibet is close to the Himalayas, and most of the GLOF events in Tibet originated in the glacial lakes of the Himalayan region. The current research on the factors affecting glacial lake changes basically stays on the nature of glacial lakes, using more qualitative methods.This paper is based on GIS spatial analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and Optimal Parameters-Based Geographical Detector method. All the glacial lakes with an area larger than 0.01 km2 in Tibet were counted using the open-source data of the Third Pole Glacial Lake. This study mainly analyzed the changes in the number and scale of glacial lakes in Tibet from 1990 to 2015, as well as the spatial distribution trend of glacial lakes in the region. Pearson correlation analysis and Parameters-Based Geographical Detector were used to examine the influence of seven selected environmental factors: glacial lake altitude, annual total precipitation, annual average temperature, annual relative humidity, glacier area change, GDP, and population density. The results showed that:(1) The total number of glacial lakes in Tibet increased by 303, an increase of about 2.57%; the total area of glacial lakes in Tibet increased by 59.90 km2, an increase of about 6.32%. The glacial lakes of different sizes increased significantly at different altitudes, most of which were small glacial lakes (area less than 0.1 km2), and distributed between 3 500~6 000 m. The growth direction of glacial lakes in Tibet in the past 25 years was significant, and the quantity and area distribution were highly dispersed. In 1990 and 2015, the glacial lakes in Tibet were basically distributed in the eastern and southern parts of Tibet, with the center shifting to the west. The influence of longitude was greater than that of latitude, and the growth of quantity and area of glacial lakes was slightly from southeast Tibet to southwest Tibet.(2) In Pearson correlation analysis, the glacial lake change was most correlated with the glacier area change factor, followed by the total precipitation factor, both of which showed moderate positive correlation. Then the relative humidity factor and the glacial lake altitude factor showed weak positive correlation, while the population density factor showed weak negative correlation. Finally, the glacial lake change was not correlated with the average temperature factor and GDP factor. The glacial lake change in Tibet was mainly affected by the change of glacier area and precipitation in the region. The increase of glacier area and precipitation increased, and the glacial lake expansion was more significant.(3) Parameters-Based Geographical Detector method was used to detect the influencing factors of glacial lake change in Tibet. Among them, the change of glacier area had the highest influence intensity on glacial lake change, with a value of 0.5006. The second was the annual total precipitation, with a value of 0.3106. The annual average temperature had the lowest influence intensity on glacial lake change, with a value of 0.1601. From the perspective of single factor, the change of glacier area and precipitation factor had a high influence on glacial lake change in this region. When the temperature factor and the change of glacier area interacted, they had a severe influence on glacial lake change, and the relationship was nonlinear enhancement, indicating that the two factors would affect the change of glacial lake in Tibet under the common drive. However, the influence of human factors on glacial lake change in Tibet was not high, and the dominant factors were climate change and glacier area change. It is necessary to focus on the impact of climate change and glacier retreat on glacial lake in the region.This study provides new ideas and references for exploring the driving mechanism of glacial lake changes, and provides basic information and data support for the potential risk assessment and risk analysis of GLOF in Tibet.

Keywords: Tibet ; glacial lake ; spatial-temporal variation ; Optimal Parameters-Based Geographical Detector

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汪宙峰, 郑博, 贺相綦, 张焱菁, 沈惠龄. 基于参数最优地理探测器的西藏冰湖时空变化与影响因素研究[J]. 冰川冻土, 2023, 45(6): 1950-1960 doi:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2023.0149

WANG Zhoufeng, ZHENG Bo, HE Xiangqi, ZHANG Yanjing, SHEN Huiling. Spatial-temporal variations and influencing factors of glacial lakes in Tibet based on Optimal Parameters-Based Geographical Detector[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2023, 45(6): 1950-1960 doi:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2023.0149

0 引言


在全球变暖的大背景下,亚洲高海拔地区冰川普遍退缩,以冰川融水补给为主的冰湖正在经历快速的变化12。在过去的50年里,高海拔地区的温度每十年上升0.3 ℃13。气候变暖加剧了冰川消融速度,冰川融水急剧增加,以冰川融水为主要补给的冰湖容量急剧升高,发生GLOF的频率增加,其潜在危险性不断升高14。我国西藏地区紧靠喜马拉雅山脉,西藏地区大部分GLOF事件都起源于喜马拉雅山脉地区的冰湖15-16


1 数据与方法

1.1 研究区概况

西藏自治区位于26°50′~36°53′ N,78°25′~99°06′ E之间,面积为122.8×104 km²,约占中国陆地总面积的1/8,平均海拔在4 000 m以上。西藏自治区下辖6个地级市、1个地区(8个市辖区、66个县,合计74个县级行政区划单位)24。西藏地区受西风带天气和印度洋暖湿气流的影响,干湿季节差异明显,气候变化影响显著。该地区降水主要集中在东南部,并且在西北地区降水极少,时间上也集中在5—9月,占全年降水量的90%左右;大部分地区全年平均温度低于0 ℃,其中只有藏南谷地年平均温度在8 ℃上下25。由于西藏区域社会经济系统的脆弱性,暴发频繁、危险性高的自然灾害往往会对当地社会经济造成巨大影响26


图1   西藏冰湖分布

Fig. 1   Distribution of glacial lakes in Tibet

1.2 数据来源

(1)冰湖数据。本研究主要数据源来自于学者Zheng等27提供的第三极冰湖开源数据:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-021-01028-3,本文对西藏地区所有面积大于0.01 km2的冰湖进行了制图。

(2)DEM数据。SRTM数字高程模型(DEM),主要从地理空间数据云获取,分辨率为30 m。使用ArcGIS 10.8提取区域内的海拔。

(3)气候数据。中国1 km分辨率逐月平均气温数据集(1901年至2021年)28和中国1 km分辨率逐月降水量数据集(1901年至2021年)29,从国家青藏高原科学数据中心获取,分辨率为1 km,从NetCDF栅格图层中分别提取1990年和2015年年平均气温和年总降水数据;中国1 km分辨率月相对湿度数据集(1990年和2015年),从国家地球系统科学数据中心获取,分辨率为1 km,从栅格图层中分别提取1990年和2015年年相对湿度数据30-32



1.3 影响因子选取


表1   冰湖变化影响因子

Table 1  Influencing factors of glacial lake change






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1.4 研究方法

(1)标准差椭圆(standard deviational ellipse, SDE)是一种由社会学家Lefever提出的,能够精确揭示地理要素的整体空间分布特征,反映研究对象的多维空间特征的方法。SDE主要参数的计算公式如下:

平均中心: X¯W=i=1nWiXii=1nWiY¯W=i=1nWiYii=1nWi


x轴标准差: σX=i=1nX¯icosθ-Y¯isinθ2n
y轴标准差: σY=i=1nX¯isinθ-Y¯icosθ2n












图2   冰湖海拔、年总降水分级方式

Fig. 2   Classification method of glacial lake elevation and precipitation: classification method of glacial lake elevation (a); classification method of precipitation (b)


图3   冰湖海拔、年总降水最佳间隔

Fig. 3   Optimum interval between glacial lake elevation and precipitation: optimum interval between glacial lake elevation (a); optimum interval between precipitation (b)

2 西藏自治区冰湖时空变化与影响因素分析

2.1 冰湖时空变化

2.1.1 不同区县冰湖分布变化



图4   1990年、2015年西藏各区县冰湖总数量分布

Fig. 4   The total quantity distribution of glacial lakes by districts and counties in Tibet in 1990 and 2015: the total quantity distribution of glacial lakes by districts and counties in Tibet in 1990 (a); the total quantity distribution of glacial lakes by districts and counties in Tibet in 2015 (b)


图5   1990年、2015年西藏各区县冰湖总面积分布

Fig. 5   The total area of glacial lakes in Tibet by district and county in 1990 and 2015: the total area of glacial lakes in Tibet by district and county in 1990 (a); the total area of glacial lakes in Tibet by district and county in 2015 (b)

根据数据统计,1990年至2015年西藏地区冰湖数量由1990年的11 164个增加到2015年的11 465个,冰湖增长数量为301个,增长了约2.69%;1990年冰湖总面积约为942.20 km2,2015年冰湖总面积约为1 002.00 km2,增长了约6.34%。


2.1.2 不同规模冰湖的分布变化

不同规模的冰湖因高度而异。1990年面积在0.01~0.1 km²之间的冰湖,主要分布在3 500~6 000 m海拔之间,并且规模较小的冰湖分布海拔更高,多在4 500~6 000 m之间;而面积大小在0.1~1 km²的冰湖,大多分布在4 000~5 700 m的海拔;面积大于1 km²的冰湖,数量较少,基本都分布在3 500~5 000 m海拔之中。


图6   1990年、2015年不同面积冰湖分布

Fig. 6   Distribution of glacial lakes in different areas in 1990 and 2015

2015年,在不同海拔高度,各种规模大小的冰湖在急剧扩张,在3 500~4 500 m之间也开始形成较多面积在0.01~0.1 km²之间的冰湖,而面积大于1 km²的冰湖,在3 000~6 000 m海拔之间均有分布,并集中于4 500~5 700 m海拔。

2.1.3 西藏冰湖空间分布趋势


表2   西藏冰湖分布和面积标准差椭圆参数

Table 2  Standard deviation ellipse parameters of the number and area of glacial lakes in Tibet


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图7   西藏冰湖分布和面积标准差椭圆

Fig. 7   Standard deviation ellipse of the number and area of glacial lakes in Tibet

2.2 冰湖影响因素分析
2.2.1 Pearson相关分析结果



图8   Pearson相关分析热度

Fig. 8   Pearson correlation analysis


2.2.2 参数最优地理探测器分析结果




图9   各因子影响强度结果

Fig. 9   Results of each factor detection



图10   各因子交互作用结果

Fig. 10   Results of interaction detection

3 讨论

时间上,1990年至2015年间,西藏地区冰湖整体呈增加趋势。1990年冰湖数量为11 164个,2015年冰湖数量为11 465个,增长301个,增长了约2.69%;1990年冰湖总面积约为942.20 km2,2015年冰湖总面积约为1 002.00 km2,增长了约6.34%。在全球气候变暖大环境下,亚洲高海拔地区冰川普遍退缩,冰川融水增多,以冰川融水补给为主的冰湖规模呈现扩张趋势12。在未来情境下,温度如果持续攀升,可能致使冰川融水剧增从而导致冰湖湖泊持续增加37-38

空间上,不同规模大小的冰湖在不同的海拔高度都有增加,增长最多的是小型冰湖(面积小于0.1 km2)。25年来西藏地区冰湖整体呈现增长趋势,并且冰湖变化方向性显著,数量分布和面积分布离散程度高;西藏冰湖基本都分布在西藏东部和南部地区,分布中心向西偏移,说明冰湖数量增长和面积增长略微是由藏东南向藏西南方向发展。出现这种分布特征的原因可能是因为藏东南区域内分布着很多的海洋型冰川,其退缩速率大于西藏其他区域的大陆型冰川,对冰湖补给量比其他区域多39


4 结论


(1)西藏地区冰湖总数增加了303个,增长约为2.57%,增加数量最多的区县单位是察隅县;西藏地区冰湖总面积增长了约为6.32%,冰湖面积增加最多的区县单位是巴宜区。各个面积大小的冰湖在不同的海拔都有显著的增长,其中多数增长是规模较小冰湖(面积小于0.1 km2),并且分布在海拔3 500 m~6 000 m之间。25年来西藏冰湖增长方向性显著,数量分布和面积分布离散程度高;1990年和2015年西藏冰湖基本分布在西藏东部和南部地区,中心向西偏移,受经度影响大于纬度影响。




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