25 May 1990, Volume 12 Issue 2

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  • Qin Dahe
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 95-97. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0013
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    The International Trans-Antarctic Expedition took 220 days from 1989 to 1990 to traverse Antarctic on foot via the Antarctic Peninsula, the Ellsworth Mountains, South Pole and the East Antarctic plateau,This successful transverse expedition has evoked worldwide repercussion. Particularly the glaciological investigation alony the route is of great value not only to glaciology, geography and climatology of Antarctica, but also to global clomatic and environmental science.The field work on glaciological study is introduced.
  • William S.Ting
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 99-104. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0015
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  • Qiu Guoqing, Wang Yaqing, Zeng Kaiwen, Sheng Wenkun
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 105-115. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0016
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    The loese obtained from the lower part of the profile in Donggangzen, Lanzhou was applied to be the material for freezing test. The freezing points of soil samples which are different in dry density.water content and salinity were measured. After eliminating progressivly the unimportant factors according to the standard regression coefficient, the final result of regression analysis shows that the freezing point Tf (℃) of soil depends mainly on the water content W(%)and contents of Na+and Cl-(in mmol / 100 g soil):Tf=-4.27W-1.03[NA+]0.54[Cl-]0.48 (1)There are 3 inferences derived from Equation (1).A. At the beginning moment of freezing process, W is equal to unfrozen water content Wu, and Tf is equal to soil temperature T,therefore Equ.(l) can be changed in the form of Anderson-Tice Formula:Wu = 40.53|T|-0.98 (2)Based on Tice’s data by NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance method for determining the unfrozen water content), the regression equation for loess of Jiuzhoutai profile,Lanzhou can be given as Wu = 30.21|T|-0.97 (3)for the loess of White Pagoda Hill, Lanzhou, it gives Wu = 26.47|T|-0.98 (4)The fact that Equations (2), (3) and (4) whilch resulted from different point are similar to each othershows that Equ.(1) conforms to the regulation known previously and implies that the power of T might depend mainly on the composition of particle sizes, the other coefficient might depend mainly on salinity.B. Also the Anderson-Tice formula can be changed into the freezing point Formula,e.g. (3) can be Tf=-33.56W-1.03 and (4) can be Tf=-28.30W-1.02.C. The dry and saline loess at high possition may not be frozen as deep as 1.03m of the measurement at the meteorological station.In some places, it may be frozen in a short period in Winter.
  • Shi Qingzeng, Xu Jizu, Song An
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 117-123. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0018
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    Since the rapid development of the offshore petroleum exploitation in the Bohai Gulf, the ice model test has become more important in the design of structure of platforms located in the ice infested water. In the first part of the papet, a general review of the ice model test technique is given briefly. The second part of the paper introduces the model test of sea ice forces on a monopod ice resistant platformin the Liaodong Bay. It was carried out in the first ice model tank in the country,which was completed and started operation in 19&7 at the Tianjin University. The introduction includes the facilities,the model ice technology and some of the test results, including the failure modes of ice sheet in front of the structure, the maximum values and time variations of the ice forces and their characteristic frequencies. The test results are compared to both the field observation and theoretical analysis, and some comments are presented.
  • Tang Lingyu, Feng Zhaodong, Kang Jiancheng
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 125-140. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0019
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    Among the comtinental deposits, the loess of the loess plateau, due to its continuous deposition and homogeneous structare in substantial composition, is an ideal geological body for studies on the evolutionary process of palaeoclimate, especially on the palaeosoil in loess.Systematic studies on the evolutionary process of palaeoe-nvironments have been carried on by the authors through pollen analysis of pollen samples from 9 natural loess sections and surfece samples of 13 sites, in Qinghai and Gansu provinces.In this region the development of vegetation in the Quaternary period may be divided based on spore pollen assemblages into three stages, which are in transitional relationship from coniferous stage to forest-steppe stage and then to steppe stage. The first stage is marked by the presence of more pinaceous pollen (over 60%), such as Pinus, Picea.Abiesmdicatmg a rather cool climate. The second stage is characterized by the presence of more Pinus and herbaceous pollen with some deciduous broad-leaved tree pollen, indicating a warmer and moister climate than the present climate. In the last stage, however, such xerophilous her bs as Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Compositae, Cruciferae, etc., were prevailing in the are, indicating that the climate was rather cool and dry. It has been confirmed that the evolutionary process of the palaeoclimate enviroment revealed by the loess deposites shows a general tendency of rhythmic fluctuation since Pleistocene being in transition from humid forest proirie to arid desert steppe By comparing the spore-pollen assemblages of loess and the palaeosoil in loess, the authors suggest that the palaeoclimate during the deposition of palaeosoil was warmer and wetter than that during the deposition of loess.
  • Shen Letian, Zhao Shida, Lu Xinian, Shi Yuxiang, Chen Shuxia
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 141-146. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0020
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    Experimental results of compressive strength of natural fresh water ice at different temperatures and strain rates are reported in this paper, It is shown that compressive strength of columnar-grained S-ltype ice with loads applied perpendicular to the length of the columns increases with decreasing temperature.the range of avderage actual strain rate covers from 10-5to 100s-1.the strain rate of 10-1-100s-1 in these experiments are obtained with the impact velocity of m / sor so which is close th the impacting velocity of sea ice on marine structures, based on thdis study itis hopefusl to develop the experimental tdechnique for sea ice.
  • Bian Chunyu, Guo Pengfei
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 147-153. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0021
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    The source area of Yellow River with an average elevation of more than 4 000 metres, is situated in the northeastern part of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. (34°00′-35°40′ N and 97°00′-99°40′ E). There widely occur stretches of permafrost at more than 3 800-4 200 metres above sea level.The geomorphology of periglacier develops quite well, including frozen disintegration geomorphology, freezing and thawing geomorphology in cold environments, buried ices and fossil periglacial phenomena.Various periglacial geomorphological features in the source area of the Yellow. River are firstly discussed in detail in this paper. In light of the relation between stratigraphy and periglacial phenomena, period three perigacial can be divided, which are the middle pleistocene periglacial period, the late pleistocene glacial margin period and modern ice margin period.
  • Xia Zhengkai
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 155-160. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0022
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    The Taibaishan (3767 m), situated in the Mixian, Shaxi Province, is the highest peak of the Qinling Mts, where some glacial lakes and glacial troughs formed during the Quaternary.The following are their characteristics:1. The glacial troughs display cross pattern on the horizontal plane.2. The E-W trending trough exhibits a wide valley in the transverse section, while the N-S trending trough exhibits U-shape.3. The E-W trending trough is gentle in the longitudinal profile, while the N-S trending trough is stepwise with many scarps crossed the faults.4. The cirque always developed at the junction of faulting belts.5. Cirques are small in area and large in depth. Some glacial lakes had specific geometrical form.It is noted that the glacial relief developed in the Taibaishan area is associated with faulting tectonics. The glacial relief can be mostly explained by,tectonics. The fault fracture zone is favourable to glacier plucking.
  • Song Qiang, Chen Jing
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 161-165. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0023
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    The main purpose of this paper is to decompose the time series of snowmelt runoff X(t) into four terms: (a) trend or longterm movement L(t); (b)sessonality about the trend P(t); (c) stationary term S(t); (d) white noise term ε(t1),so that the series can be expressed as
    X(t) = L(t)+ P(t)+ S(t)+ε(t).
    L(t) is obtained by nonlinear regression and P(t) by spectral analysis and Fourier Series. After L(t) and P(t) have been eliminated, we can establish an autoregressive model for the remainders. By superimposing these terms, we can make the simulation as well as predication. The results are satisfactory.
  • Liu Zongxiang, Wang Liangwei, Wang Zongtai, Wang Wenti
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 167-174. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0024
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    Based on the information of the Glacier Inventory of China, we have stored data of more than 45 000 glaciers, 25 essential factor indexes for each glacier, in "the data base of glaciers inventory" according to different mountains and drainage areas. As a result, a modernization method has been provided for the increasing,deleting, revising, renewing, counting up and typewriting of the glacier inventory. We introduced in detail the establishment, essential composition and use of the run system of the data base of glacier inventory in the paper.
  • Mi Desheng
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1990, 12(2): 175-181. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1990.0025
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    The map of snow, ice and frozen ground in China is a 115×80 cm2 wall map (1:4000000) showing the distribution of some special phenomena in cold regions, including seasonal snow cover, sea ice lake ice and river ice, glacier, frozen ground and other cryogenic (periglacial) features. It also shows the present solid water resource and the relation of above features to mankind. The appearance and variation of above features is complicated and related to mankind and also related each other.In cartographical generalization of this map, the following points are considered.(l)The colour matching should be coincident with the climate characteristics of the cold and high regions. Cold colour is the primary and warm colour is the subsidiary. The tonalitus of blue, purple and grey are for the cold and dry mountains in the West China and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau; cold and wet colour, mainly purple and grey for the Northeast China. It is warm and rainy in the southeast, so the tonality is selected to be apple green. It is coloured in block to keep the map simple, elegant, clear and harmonious.(2)Snow cover, glacier and frozen ground are generalized based on their classification and graduation. Editors pay much attention to-ensuring both the practicability of this map and the correctness of its content in science.Existing (modern) glacier Ice tongues and firn fields greater than 10 km, snow lines and their elevations are marked on the map. Mountain glaciers are outlined on the map proportionally in order to evaluate correctly the solid water resource. The small zigzags of glaciated regions are smoothed, the morphological character of typical glaciers are inflated, and boundaries between different types of glaciers are prominent in condition of keeping the natural situation of glacier distribution. Positions of mud-debris flows caused by melting of glacial ice and bursting of glacial lake are shown with different symbols. Same symbol is used to show the freezing days and thickness of sea ice, river ice and lake ice. If the symbol is in a lake then it shows the freezing character of lake ice, and so on. The blue dotted lines show the drifting extent of sea ice.Seasonal snow cover The mean annual values of snow cover existing days are annotated. If snow cover exists 50 days or more within a year then it is defined as a stable snow cover region, otherwise the unstable one. The mean annual value of snow coverequation is expressed by blue line with an annotation showing the value in days. The isopleth of 50-60 days is thickened. Wind-blown drifting snow and avalanche are marked with red symbols in different shapes.Frozen ground Permafrost is divided into two broad categories. The high-latitude permafrost in the Northeast China is subdivided into three which are shown by blue grey coloured hachure lines in different densities. The high-altitude permafrost is subdivided into plateau and alpine permafrosts which are expressed by purple brown coloured hachure lines in different densities. Bore holes for observation of permafrost are expressed by red coloured symbols with numeral annotation showing the mean annual ground temperature and permafrost thickness. The seasonally frozen ground is shown by apple green coloured ones, they are in same density. Editors give prominence to the expressing of the 0.5 m-isopach of seasonally frozen ground.(3)According to their morphological characters, approximately 14 typical cryogenetic (periglacial) phenomena positions caused by frost weathering, gelifluction, frost sorting, frost heaving and thermokarst are shown by corresponding representational symbols.Legends of seasonal snow cover, mountain glacier, frozen ground and cryogenetic phenomena are exhibited on the lower left side with a Chinese-English bilingual description.