25 November 1988, Volume 9 Issue 4

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  • Yao Tandong
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 289-300. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0039
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    The internal relationship and external characteristics of Glacier No.1 are analysed in the present paper on basis of the measured and interpolated data.It is found from the analysis that the glacial equilibrium line variation (rise and drop) not only indicates the increase and decrease of mass balance,but also reveals different feedback mechnisms of glacial shape and surface albedo with the positive feedback accompanying equilibrium line drop and the negative feedback accompanying the rise. The relationship between the equilibrium line, precipitation and temperature shows that the stability of Glacier No.1 is relatively high, compared with marintime glaciers and that therefore the glacier can reach its stable state with a relatively small accumulation area.That is to say, the glacier is slow in response to climate fluctuations, especially to temperature fluctuations.So equilibrium line equations have been derived for Glacier No.1 under different states,relating to temperature and precipitation.
  • Liu Chaohai, Xie zichu
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 301-310. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0040
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    The average summer (from June to August)air temperature is 1℃ lower and zero-equilibrium line 88 m lower in the 18 years after 1968 than that in the 11 years before 1968 in the middle part of Qilian Mountains. It was found from the mass balance reconstructed according to the air temperature and precipitation from 1957 to 1985 on the "July First" Glacier that the glacier was characterized by the negative mass balance state with a cumulative negative mass balance value of 232.9×104 m3 and by the possitive mass balance state with a cumulative possitive mass balance value of 773.4×104 m3 in the 18 years after 1968. In the recent 30 years, the net mass balance has increased by 540.5×104 m3 and average glacial thickness by 1.8m. Relatively larger possitive mass balance appeared in 1967/1968, 1975/1976, 1982/1983, which showed the cycle of 7-8 years. The fluctuation of 1 m of the zero-equilibrium line corresponds to the mass balance change of 0.68×104 m3.If the temperature above and below zero ℃ at the glacial terminus is taken as the temperature index for the beginning and end of the glacial melting period respectively, the melting period is averagely 14 days shorter in the 18 years after 1968 than in the 11 years before 1968 and the maximum ablation altitude has droped for 130 m in average on the "July First" Glacier. Glaciers in the Qilian Mountains are typical glaciers accumulating in summer which possess following features: c >cw, a >aw; b’ > 0, b’w> 0 (accumulation area);6 "<0, b"w<0 (ablation area). On such kind of glaciers which are typical continental glaciers,mass balance processes are mild and the level of mass balance low. The shortening of the ablation period and drop in summer temperature since mid 1960s and the increase in precipitation since 1970s have resulted in the possitive mass balance and decrease of glacial retreat.
  • Zhang Tingjun, Wang Shading
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 311-318. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0041
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    This paper mainly deals with the alpine periglacial planation process, fluviatile action and the lower limit of alpine periglacial action in continental climate. The alpine periglacial planation process in continental climate can be divided into two types: 1. In relatively humid area, gelifluction develops very strongly in the middle and lower parts of mountains; while at the top and upper part of mountains, frost weathering is more important. The broken rocks move down along slopes under gravitation. Together with avalanches and some other aetions, gelifluction and frost weathering have a strong action on the slope erosion and incision, making the slope retreat parallelly or top erosion surface contract gradually. This type of process is called the periglacial planation process of slope retreating type. 2. In relatively dry areas,gelifluction is very weak, frost weathering at the top, upper and middle parts of mountains play a dominant role in periglacial processes. The broken rocks move down along slopes, bedrock at the top, upper and middle parts of mountains in enposed to the air andsuffers stoong frost weathering again. Such process repeats in cyclesin this way, resulting in the frequent denudation of the top, upper andmiddle parts of mountains by frost action, Which finally makes thetop and upper parts of mountains smooth and very gentle, covered byrock fields and rock slopes; while gelifluction in the lower parts ofmountains is limited in a few places. In this process, the retreatingvelocity of mountain slopes is less than the descending velocity of mountaiaheight, resulting in the expansion of the top surface of mountains, andthe mountain section profile has the shape of a trapezoid. This process iscalled the periglacial process of height descending type.valley development in the alpine periglacial zone is closely related to the existence of permafrost, but the main reason resulting in the flat and wide valley is the influence of small discharge of river, high load, strong aggradation and local erosion basis. The formation of asymmetric valley is mainly controlled by the water-heat difference between different facing slopes. Rivers can make permafrost thaw beneath it, forming river talik. Therefore, it is not proper to think that it is difficult for a river to cut down in vertical direction due to the existence of permafrost beneath the river bed.The lower limit of the alpine periglacial action develops on many factors. It cen not be determined by mean annual air temperature or the lower limit of the modern alpine permafrost; it should be at the lowest alrtitude of the distribution of a group periglacial phenomena formed by strong frost action. In relatively humid area, the lower limit of periglacial action is lower than that of permafrost; in relatively dry area, it is near or higher than the lower limit of permafrost.
  • Chen Jiyang
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 319-328. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0042
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    The Holocene moraines in China all distribute in the plateau and mountainous areas in western China.This paper discussed the characteristics of the Holocene moraines (the types, structures, mineral lithology, particle size,and the particle fabrics of the moraine strata).The distributions of the Holocene moraine strata in Tianshan, Qilianshan,Himalaya,karakorom Mountains and the mountains in the southeastern Tibet and the western Sichuan Province are briefly introduced.The author summerised the dating results and the chronological data of the Holocene moraines in western China.The stratigraphical time-scale for and the division of the Holocene moraines are suggested.And the following are some conclusions:1.The researches of the Holocene moraines in China revealed the widely existance of the Neoglaciation and the Little Ice Age.Generally speaking,the cormer includes 3-4 groups of moraines and the later 3 sets.Becauseof the fomplexity of glaciers fluctuations, the morainic chronology should be established on the statistical studies and agedata of moraines from large areas.2.Moraines are one of the most important climatic strata.The morainic chronology could be used as the basis of the chronology of Holocene strata. The strata chronology of the Holocene moraines in western China(Table 1)are simply proposed according to the recent research results of the moraines.3.The environmental period or cycle of changes (about 2,500 years) i s the basic millenial cycle for the Holocene.Upon the age-data and the above cycle we could do the division and correlation of the Holocene strata because this cycle basically exists in environmental changes and processes of morainic formation and of the formation of other genetic strata.The time interval of the four groups of the Holocene strata could be as follows: about 10,000-7,000 years B.P., 7,000-4,900 years B.P., 4,900-2,400 years B.P., and 2,400 years B.P.up to now.4.Form the dating of the moraines, the overlay loess, and the climatic changes and also the widely accepted viewpoints, it could be reasonable that the lower limit of the Holocene strata is near about 10,000 years B.P..
  • Meng Guanglin, Zhang Mingyuan, Li Zhijun, Yan Decheng
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 329-338. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0043
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    The uniaxial compressive strength of Bohai sea ice was investigated in the wiater of 1985-1986. The results snow that the compressive strength of the sea ice with columnargrained crystals is anisotropic. The stength of the sea ice at the compression directions parallel and perpendicular to the columnar ice crystal is the both function of the strain rate, and reaches the maximum value at the ductile-brittle transition point. The transition points occur at different strain rates for the different compression directions. The strength is the linear function of ice temperature and thes relation between the strength and brine volume is best described a power-curve.
  • Li Zhijun
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 339-346. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0044
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    After analysing the frost damaeg of canals with concrete lining, the author has put forward that the frost damage criteria of canals with coarse bedding should include the profile of frost depth, the frost susceptility of coarse bedding material and its base soil and reasonable type of cana 1 section.Because the coarse grain bedding for preventing canals from frost damage is widely used at home and abroad, the author has also conduted-the frost susceptibity test on coarse materials with various contents of fine-grain particles in an open system,and provided the statistical relationship between the frost heave ratio and the content of less-than 0.02mm particles. The relationship might be used as a criterion for controlling the Quality of coarse bedding.
  • Chen Jiyang
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 347-356,387. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0045
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    The author investigated the Holocene moraines at the headwater of the Urumqi River,and in the Bulate Valley on the northern slope near Tianger Peak Ⅱ (4486 m), the Tianshan Mountains, and those on its southern slope. The glaciogeomorphological maps with a large scale have been drawn and the ages of the moraines determined by 14C dating, the lichenometric dating, etc. The primary conclusions are as follows:1.During the general retreating processes in the Holocene, the glaciers in these regions experienced at least four periods of glacial advance which occurred about 5700 yrs. B. P.,4100 yrs. B. P., 2800 yrs. B. P. and 403-74 yrs. B. P. respectively with the first advance most extensive and lasting the longest.The Little Ice Age include three stages of glacial advance which occurred about 403 yrs. B. P., 208 yrs. B. P. and 74 yrs. B. P. respect ively with the second advance most extensive. In addition, for the glacial fluctuations with the thousand-year scale during the Holocene, there might exist a 2300-3000-year cycle during which there was a longer period of glacial retreat and a brief penod of glacial adance.2.The cold climate of the last ice-age endeb about 10000-9500 yrs. B. P. and the average temperature during this cold period was about 4℃ lower than the present. There are at least four cold periobs during the Holocene, which ended about 5700 yrs. B. P., 4100 yrs. B. P., 2800 yrs. B. P. and 420-91 yrs. B. P. respectively. The temperature of these cold periods are 1.5℃, 1.25℃, 0.9℃ and 0.65℃ lower than the present respectively. Between these cold periods were the warm ones. The amplitude of temperature changes during the Holocene is about 2.5℃. 3.It is proved by dating the moraines that the data rf soil and vegetation on the moraines (Table 1) are significant for relative-age dating,investigation and correlation of the moraines in large regions and that lichenomtry is one of the methods suitabce for dating the mid-and late-Holocene deposits in high mountainous and cold regions.Rhizocarpon geographicum (L.) DC and Xanthoria elegans (link.) Th. Er. may be used for dating the deposits within the renges of 4500 yrs. and 500 yrs. resbectively.
  • Liu Zongchao, Sun Li
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 357-362,389. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0046
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    The electric potential of a freezing solution is studied and its results have been extended to the melting case. We combine the freezing electric potential of freezing solution with the solution temperature measured by thermo-electric thermometer. The freezing and melting points of solution in various cases are determined exactly by means of estimating the trend of curve, we suggest that electric potential method should bea commonmethod to determine the freezing and melting points of solution and water, compresive or non-compresive, or contained in the pore medium.So, the shortage that the initial freezing and melting points can not be determined accurately by calorimetry will be covered.
  • Zhou Chixu
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 363-367. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0047
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    The claddification of the frost heave of fase soil in "TJ7- 74 Design Norms for Foundation and Base" is not strict, because it takes stone crushed stone, gravel, coarse sand, medium sand and fine sand as nonarust-heave soil without considering their water content,gr ndwater table gnd content of silt- clay particles. It is well known that the bedding coarse ravel without prper drainage and under saturatuon can still have frostf heave behavior and desting the bedding,and that the frost-heave ratg changes drammatically when the silt clay reaches more than 12%. In audition, the claddification of the frost-heave of fine-grained soil based on the in’dexes of soil type, water content and ground water table in the Norms is not practicable for canals. For the above reasons, the author suggestes that the dry density of the fase soil should bo consider as a classl-fication index for the frost heave behavor of the canal base soil. the influence of the relationship between dry density water co ton the heave behavior is discussed in the artule.
  • Wang Chuyi
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 369-374. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0049
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    On 18 May and 23 June,1983,two large blizzard synoptic regimes appeared on the upper reaches of the Yili River.They affected the transportation, communications, industry, agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in the west of the Northern Xinjiang Region.The two blizzard synoptic regimes were characterized by their long period of time and wide extent.The longest one lasted adout 9 days.The maiximum wind speed was up to 27 m/s (32.6 m/s at some passes), the maximum snow depth was 30-40cm.The occurence of these two blizzards was closely related to the regulation of the synoptic regime in a large seale.The retreatment of the pressure ridge in north Europe and the separation and eastward movement of the trough in the Urals were the main reasons for the two blizzards. Beside in the two synoptic regimes the wind speed was very great both on the ground and at high altitudes.Therefore, this article has also analyed the location and strength of the circulation.
  • JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1987, 9(4): 375-380. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1987.0050
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