25 February 1984, Volume 5 Issue 1

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  • Li Jijun
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0001
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    Alpine periglacial environment has been discussed in this paper. We conclude that the alpine periglacial climate in temperate latitudes can be divided into two types: maritime and contenental.Situated in the extreme arid interior of Eurasia, high mountains in Northwest of China are found to have many periglacial phenomena developing regularly as an altitudinal zone on the upper parts of the mountains.The distribution and characteristics of alpine periglacial processes in this region are greatly influenced by humidity and mountain landscape zonal spectra.In the places where climate is very dry and severe with no snow cover in winter and annual precipitation only 200-300mm or so, the amplitude of alpine tundra zone extends up to 1000m or more and even comes into contact with desert below.The periglacial environment occurred there should be called the continental desert type. Frost shattering is the main agent among the periglacial processes and rock debris mantles all surfaces except sharp ridges.Rivers in this area have very high load resulting in very effective aggradation, because the shallow permafrost provides local base level of erosion and widespread mass-movement processes supply rivers with plenty of detritus.The land-form landscape formed in this way is very gentle and smooth.It is reasonable to recognize these processes as a special altiplanation type. In contrast to it, mountain ranges with rather mild climate, such as at eastern Qilian Shan,Tian Shan and Altay Shan,where precipitation is often more than 500mm, posess a rich vertical zonal spectra. Coniferous forests grow on middle mountain belt and the alpine periglacial zone involves not only the narrow alpine tundra but also most of the subalpine meadow and shrub. It is convenient to call it continental forest and meadow alpine periglacial zone, Nivation, freeze-and-thaw sorting and gelifluction become the most important processes and nivation cirque, avalanche rampart, altiplanation terraces,sorting stone circle and various gelifluction features are developed far and wide.We found that altiplanation terraces are still active above elevation of 4000m above sea level in the eastern Qilian Shan with mean annual temperature less than -5℃.During the last glaciation,the goletz(barren mountain in Russian)belt descended extensively and destroyed most of the forest in the middle mountain belt.Consequently, a lot of detritus were deposited in the valley floors and on the slopes in the shape of thick periglacial debris cover superimposed on the normal alluvial fills.
  • Cui Zhijiu
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 13-20. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0002
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    The author considers that based on the geomorphologic site, stratigraphical correlation, material source, weathering degree and chronological data, division of the period of periglacial phenomenon could be made.But the distinction between syngenetic and epigenetic phenomena should be effected at the same time.The author further suggests that the term" paraperiglaciai age"be used to indicate the periglacial age in high mountains and on plateau at lower-middle latitudes, especially on Qinghai- Xizang plateau of extreme magnificent size or in unglaciated area of high latitudes during the interglacial period, for a lot of periglacial phenomena develop well at the same time. So the term"interperiglacial age"seems to be impertinent.
  • Shi Yafeng, Ren Binghui
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 21-31. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0003
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    There are 3 periods in the history of glaciological research in China: (1) The documental period (2000 Years B.P.-19th century)-valuable data on snow forms and snowfall, river and lake ice, seasonal soil freezing were recorded in some ancient literature, such as Liji-yueling (礼记·月令) 2000 years ago) ,Hanshi Waizhuan (韩诗外传, Han dynasty) etc. The famous Muzart Glacier in Tianshan was vividly described in Datangxiyuji (大唐西域记,Notes on western countries in the time of Great Tang Empire) at 6th century and Xiyushuidaoji (西域水道记, Notes on rivers in western territory) at 18th century.(2) Period of discoveries on glaciers and on scattered glacial relics (late 19th century to mid-20th century)- some western scientists made expeditions in mountainous areas of western China and made brief descriptions on severals existing glaciers, such as G.Mer-zbacher in Tianshan,F.K.ward in Tibet,etc.A few Chinese scientists observed glacial landforms and gave some explanations on Quaternary Glaciation, such as Li Sikuang (J.S.Lee) in Central and North China though with much contention, and Huang Jiqing (T.K.Huang) in Tianshan. (3) Period of systematic and countinuous work on glaciology-since 1950’, glaciological expeditions are carried out continuously in Qilianshan,Tianshan, Himalaya, karakorum and other mountains in western China.Studies on permafrost, debris flow, snow drifting and avalanches also started in 1950’and 1960’with chief motives as how to utilize effectively ice resources in arid areas and to prevent disasters brought about by snow and ice.Now, glaciological research in China includes following areas: Studies on distribution,physical properties and variation of glaciers,compilation of glacier inventory according to TTS instructions,glacier and snow hydrology, drifting snow and avalanches, glacial debris flow, glacial and periglacial geomorphology, Quaternary glaciation, etc. Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Cryopedology is the centre of the researches. Its own publication, "Journal of Glaciology and Cryopedology"in Chinese with English abstracts,is distributed throughout the world.
  • Deng Yangxin
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 33-46. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0004
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    The red boulder clay, which was defined as the termini of Dagu Glaciation by the late geologist Li Siguang, is widely distributed in the shape of fan over the northwestern piedmont of Lushan near yangjiaoling. For half a century, there has been a different viewpoint that the boulder clay was not formed by glaciers.Through our field investigation and laboratory analysis of the boulder clay in it’s geomorphy,structure,fabric rock and mineral features,and spore-pollen components,it has been found that the boulder clay is extremely similar to the deposit of viscous debris flow, but utterly different from moraine, and that the climate was warm and wet during its deposition.It is concluded that the debris flow developed considerabely near Yangjiaoling of Lushan in a certain period of Quaternary, and the boulder clay was just a production of ancient debris flow.
  • Tong Changjiang
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 47-54. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0005
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    This paper mainly describes the principle characteristics of frost heaving in the seasonally thawed layer in the permafrost region of the Fenghuo Mountain, i.e.when the depth of frost reaches one third or a half of the maximum depth of frost, more than eighty percent of the total amount of frost heaving will be presented.The curve of the distribution of the rate of frost heaving with the depth in the ground which freezes in an inverse direction, i.e.from lower to upper has the form of S reflected in the mirror, i.e "S" .and the moisture migration in the soil in both directions, i.e.upward and downward, makes the layer below two thirds of the maximum depth of frost be in a state of "dehydration". According to the linear relationship between the frost heaving of soil and the effective moisture content for frost heaving, we can estimate the frost susceptiblity of soil from the water content at the end of the autumn.
  • Huang Yizhi, Mi Farong
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 55-62. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0006
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    This paper presents the technique and availabitity of the Inverse Slope Method used for interpreting the D.C.electrical sounding curves to estimate the thickness of permafrost with an average error of 9.1%, and discusses the variational law of permafrost thickness according to the Geophysical data.The thickness of permafrost is more than 100m in the marsh, and less than 50m in the river beds. The thickness of permafrost increases 20. 1m with altitude arising every 100m, and sudden thinning to 10-30m is found at Dongda Gou, Xida Gou, Fenghuo Gou and others, maybe due to in the locality of hidden fault zones.
  • Wang Ping
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 63-70. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0007
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    The mechanically suspended substance exists abundantly in the river water, so turbid water has a white color.The soluble element content is less than 40mg/l , which is in agreement with the mineralization degree of the glacial ice in Tianshan mountains and Qilian Mountains, but a little lower than that in the atmospheric precipitation in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau of China. The river water belongs to a kind of glacial run-off with low mineralization degree in Northwest China and the mineralization degree of glacial ice at Hars Glacier is the lowest (13.99mg/l) ,coinciding with the mean mineralization degree of atmospheric snowfall in this region.The interrelationship between the trace element in glacial ice and altitude is that the calcium content remains constant, while the magnesium content increasing gradually with the altitude is always more than the calcium content, but the potassium content is close to the sodium content, which is different from other glaciers in Northwest China and should be classified into the subcontinental type.The element enrichment factor in atmospheric precipitation on liars Glacier is different from other mountain glaciers in China.The element enrichment order in Rongbuk Glacier of Mt.Qomolangma is Ca>Na>Mg in Tanggual Mountains Na>Ca>Mg, in the same way in Eastern Kunlun Mountains,on West Qiongtailan Glacier of Mt.Tuomuer in Tianshan Mountains and on the Batura Glacier of Karakoram Mountains and in Qilian Mountains Ca>Mg>Na,but on the Hars Glacier Na>Mg<Ca or Mg>Na<Ca
  • Mi Desheng, Luo Xiangrui
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 71-78. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0008
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    The article introduces the methods of measuring the glacier area and the glacier advance or retreat on the topographic maps and the satellite mages.Three instruments are used for the measurement: a5-time magnifier,a transparent gridded overlay and a glass straight edge with 0.1mm reading. Its accuracy and error are also discussed.The main error in glacier area measurement is from the glacier boundary which may reach about ?10 percent on the landsat images.The reliability of amount of glacier advance or retreat is influenced by the residual error. But this influence can be eliminated.The error for measuring the glacier advance or retreat comes mainly from the dimension of pixel,the accuracy of the maps and the method used.But the error of mean square is not more then ?100m which represents the accuracy for measuring the glacier advance or retreat on satellite images.
  • Lu Chuanlin
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 79-84. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0009
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    Glacial ablation is mainly restricted by the thermal factors in high mountain regions.Air temperature is a comprehensive index reflecting solar radiation, turbulent thermal exchange and other thermal sources.Therefore, there is a close relationship of glacial ablation and meltwater runoff to air temperature, and especially a close relationship is between glacial ablation and air temperature.The relationship between glacial ablation and air temperature is linear, and the best is between glacial ablation and air temperature at the glacier surface.The relationship between glacial meltwater runoff and air temperature at the glacier surface is also linear,but, because of the influence of underlying surface, the farther the distance from glaciers, the larger the influence, and the relationship becomes unlinear away from glaciers.The best relationship is between glacial meltwater runoff and air temperature at the high mountain stations near the glaciers.The best correlation is at a ten-day interval, and the most suitable air temperature used is an average of positive temperature for ten days.The conclusion shows that prediction of glacial ablation and it’s runoff volume can be made by means of correlation analysis of air temperature.
  • Wang Zhongxiang
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 89-94. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0011
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    The first man-made ice cave of our country has been dug at the end of the No.l glacier of Urumqi river source, Tian Shan,in October, 1980. It is 2.0m in height, 1.5m in width and 90m in length.It can be seen that the air bubble,clay and granule material in the glacial ice are distributed in discontinuous layers.Amber ice is present in the bottom below 1.5m. Cup-shaped secondary frost crystal is developed at the top of the cave 20m high. A survey using a butt joint displaceable stake shows that there is a glacial slide on the glacial bed with a vilocity of 1.75-2.12 m a year. According to the temperature of the ice layer and other phenomena,we can imagine that perhaps a warm ice layer is present at the bottom of the glacier.The level holes on the ice wall and the survey from the movable stake shows that there is a fast strain rate for the bottom ice layers.
  • Peng Hanxing
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1983, 5(1): 95-98. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1983.0012
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