25 February 1996, Volume 18 Issue 1

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  • Xie Zichu, Ding Liangfu, Liu Chaohai, Liu Shiyin
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0001
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    Recently, a general concept that mass balance and its components versus altitude curves are stable have been widely accepted, so that the authors suggest, based on observations on many glaciers, that mass balance and its components at the steady state equilibrium line altitude ( ELA0) equal their average values on a glacier respectively. Through statistic analyses of mass balance series of the glaciers in different mountains in the world, it is discovered that the ELA0 does not substantially change, i.e., ELA0 is not subject to the influence of climate change. If the glacier geometry not changes too much, observation, calculation and prediction can therefore be made based on ELA0 level instead of whole glacier. Further analysing the relationship between ELA0 and other glacial levels (such as ELAi, ELAa Hmed ), the anthors propose that the ELA0 method can be applied to mass balance calculation and prediction on any glaciers without systematic observation.
  • Zhang Yinsheng, Yao Tandong, Pu Jianchen, T Ohata, H Yabuki, K Fujita
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 10-19. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0002
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    Dongkemadi Glacier is located in the middle of Tanggula Mts., Tibetan Plateau, 33°02’ N, 90°02’ E, where the equilibrium line altitude is near 5600 m a.s.l.. The solar radiation budget and energy balance were anlysed based on a long time series observation in an automatic station setted on the ELA of the glacier. At the observing point, the annaul mean air temperature is -9.8℃, the annual mean air vapour pressure is 2.6 hpa, and the annual wind speed is 4.3 m/s. The annual amount of global radiation that reach on the surface of the glacier is about 7300 MJ/m2, but only 1/4 of that is absorbed by the glacier. The net radiation is positive from April to October but negative for the rest. The latent heat flux has an opsite direction seasonal variation with net radiation. The sensible heat flux is poxitive for all seasons so that it is an important energy source for the glacier surface. The melting heat occurs from May to September but has less contribution to heat balance comparing with latent heat. The conductive heat flux is few in energy budget on the glacier surface. Both the energy exchanging level and the energy exchanging coefficient are large in summer and winter. There is a good relationship between the air temperature above the glacier and net radiation. The sensitivity coefficient of air temperature above the glacier to variation of global radiation is related well with albedo and absorbed radiation.
  • Zhang Xinping, Yao Tandong
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 20-28. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0003
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    Based on the temperature data at the surface and 500 hPa at Xining and Tuotuohe located in the Tibetan Plateau, this paper analysed the trends of annual and seasonal mean temperature variations on different levels, and differences between the temperature variations of two levels and of the two stations. The results show that the variations of annual mean temperature had a disinctly warming trend at the surface at Xining. The mean annual temperature from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s increased about 1℃ compared with that from the end of 1950s to the beginning of 1960s; No obviously warming trend was found at the same time of annual mean temperature at Tuotuohe, due to an exceptionally serious snowstorm which resulted in a low temperature in Tuotuohe region from 1985 to 1986, but a slightly warming trend could be seen in summer. At 500 hPa no obviously warming trends of seasonal and annual mean temperature were found at Xining and Tuotuohe, and even after 1988, the annual mean temperature decreased for four consecutive years, which was different from that at the surface.
  • Ye Baisheng, Lai Zuming, Shi Yafeng
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 29-36. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0004
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    The river runoff changes in the Yili River basin are estimated under various future climatic scenarios using the river runoff model based on water balance. Owing to the low air temperature and rich precipitation in the moutains, the impact of future climatic warming on water resources will depend on changes in precipitation rather than rise in air temperature. The future climatic warming would change the distribution and lowerthe peak, of runoff. Runoff peak wwould occur earlier. Spring runoff would increase with a corresponding decrease of runoff in other seasons, particularly in the summer. Considerable change in runoff would occur with climatic warming and variational difference of runoff would increase with the shrinking of glacier area, and this would be unfavorable for the utilizaiton of water resources.
  • Wu Qingbai, Liang Suyun, Gao Xinwang
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 37-42. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0005
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    The laws of convection heat transfer between thermalpile and air are studied by test. The results show that heat flux and heat transfer coefficient are changed with air temperature and speed. Because of the influence of special sharp of condensation heat exchange of thermalpile, the efficiency of convection heat transfer between thermalpile and air decreases when air temperature >-12℃ and wind speed >2 m/s.
  • Li Yi, Cui Guangxin, Lu Henglin
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 43-46. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0006
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    Experiments for studying the freezing point of clay were carried out with four different water contents and under loading ranging from 0 to 20 MPa, by means of a freezing point meter developed on the basis of super-cooling principle. The dependence of freezing point of clay on loading and water content is revealed in this paper.
  • Wang Renhe
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 47-52. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0007
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    On the basis of a series of tests modelling deformations of frozen clay shaftwalls, detailed discussion is made on their deformational patterns and thereby an equation is obtained for calculation their maximum dispalcement. With the permissible displacement in consideration, equations are given respectively for calculating the bearing capacity of the lower part of frozen clay shaftwalls and the safe height for advancing.
  • I. E. Guryanov, Ma Wei
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 53-57. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0008
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    This paper has simulated an actual interaction betweem frozen ground and structure, namely process of loading and unloading. Tests on undisturbed silt are performed at -5℃. It is found that the shear strength of frozen soil is not identical in loading and unloading tests. The shear strength under unloading is larger than that of under loading. The cohesion c and internal friction angle φ are 0, 17.5° respectively for loading and 0.58 MPa, 14.5° respectively for unloading. When 0.5≤ σ.3 ≤4 MPa, the strength under unloading is 1.3~3 times as large as that of under loading. The results revise the idea which the strength are identical under loading and unloading for a time.
  • Gao Xiangqun, T. H. Jacka
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 58-63. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0009
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    An account is given of ice deformation experiments under uniaxial compression. Samples studied include ice with single maximum fabric from cores drilled on Law Dome. Antarctica and laboratory prepared isotropic polycrysialline ice. The tests were carried out at 3.3℃ and an octahedral shear stress of 0.3 MPa. The minimum strain rates for core samples are a factor of ~4 lower than the isotropic minimum strain rate. This result indicates that the anisotropy does not enhance the strain rate. The approach to similar tertiary strain rates has been found for core ice and laboratory prepared ice, associated with the development of tertiary creep. The resultant fabric pattern in both types of ice is small circle girdle with equilibrium crystzl size. It has been demonstrated that small circle girdle fabric is more compatible with compressive stress configuration than single maximum fabric.
  • Guo Xudong
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 64-71. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0010
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    Various distorted gravels were called glacier deformed stones by Li Siguang (J.S.Lee) and his supporters and were taken to be the evidence for Quaternary glaciation in eastern China. Because of lack of some knowledge of rock mechanics and soil mechanics, several conceptional errors appeared in their argumentation for the formation mechanism of various distorted gravels. The distorted gravels are by no means of glacial origin and can not be considered as an evidence for Quaternary glaciation. Their real origin is closely related with mechanical properties of structural faces during mechanical rupture of primary rocks and consequent reworking by external agency in the process of transportation.
  • Li Peiji
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 72-80. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0011
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    This paper reviews our current state of knowledg about the Aretic sea ice climate system by highlighting recent research findings. Significant advances are being made in our understanding of roles of the Arctic sea ice in climate system. Sea ice in the Arctic ocean, which covers large areas, and its transport into the North Atlantic represents a fresh water flux comparable to that of continental runoff, affects the salinity stratification through brine rejection during freezing, transport and meiting. Salinity stratification is critical to the vertical circulation of the high latitude ocean. Variation in sea ice may cause great salinity anomaly or halocline catastrophe that can alter or stop the convection. THere is a general appreciation that the thermohaline circulation of the world ocean is to a large degree driven from the North Atlantic through the production of North Atlantic Deep Water. Evidences suggest that climate variations from decadal to millenial time scales are linked to the sea ice interaction with the thermohaline. This strong coupling between the Arctic sea ice, ocean and atmosphere implies that variation in sea ice are involved in high latitude and global climate feedback processes.
  • Liu Tieliang
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 81-87. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0012
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    At the present, human have to face the problem of greenhouse effect and global change. The great change of global climate and environment which may occur in future 10 to 100 years will make many existing railway lines suffered from degradation of glaciers and permafrost and rising of sea level and to on. Based on avaliable information, the paper reviews the effect of degadation of glaciers and permafrost on railways.
  • Guo Defa
    JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY AND GEOCRYOLOGY. 1996, 18(1): 88-92. https://doi.org/10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.1996.0013
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    In this paper a set of preventive measures apainst frost damage is described, based on observation and investigation on the frost damage to hydraulic structures in the Xinjiang Region. It can be applied to hydraulic engineering.