冰川冻土, 2022, 44(6): 1842-1852 doi: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2022.0160



袁俊,1, 赵杰2,3, 唐冲,4, 甘仁钧5

1.中国电力工程顾问集团西北电力设计院有限公司, 陕西 西安 710075

2.河南中衢建筑设计有限公司, 河南 郑州 450052

3.西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院, 陕西 西安 710055

4.大连理工大学 建设工程学部, 辽宁 大连 116024

5.国网青海省电力公司建设公司, 青海 西宁 810001

Numerical analyses of uplift behavior of pile foundation for transmission line structure in frozen soil regions

YUAN Jun,1, ZHAO Jie2,3, TANG Chong,4, GAN Renjun5

1.Northwest Electric Power Design Institute Co. ,Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group,Xi’an 710075,China

2.Henan Zhongqu Architectural Design Co. ,Ltd,Zhengzhou 450052,China

3.School of Civil Engineering,Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’an 710055,China

4.Faculty of Infrastructure Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,Liaoning,China

5.State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company Construction Company,Xining 810001,China

通讯作者: 唐冲,教授,主要从事岩土与地基基础工程研究. E-mail: ceetc@dlut.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2022-05-11   修回日期: 2022-09-01  

基金资助: 国网青海省电力公司科技项目.  52283820000A
能源领域行业标准计划项目.  能源20190411
中国电力工程顾问集团公司科技项目.  DG1-T02-2017
西北电力设计院科技项目.  XB1-TM05-2017

Received: 2022-05-11   Revised: 2022-09-01  

作者简介 About authors

袁俊,高级工程师,主要从事输电线路杆塔与地基基础研究.E-mail:j.yuan@foxmail.com , E-mail:j.yuan@foxmail.com



关键词: 冻土 ; 桩基础 ; 抗拔 ; 承载力 ; 破坏模式


Pile foundation is one of the most commonly used and suitable foundations to support transmission line structure, especially in seasonally frozen soil regions and permafrost regions. Axial compression is the controlling condition in the design of foundations for such structures as bridges and buildings, while uplift and overturning will control the design of transmission line structure foundations. This paper presents an extensive overview of previous studies including experimental (e.g., laboratory model test and full-scale field load test), analytical/theoretical (e.g., limit equilibrium and limit analysis based on plasticity) and numerical (e.g., finite difference and finite element methods). The review indicates that study on the uplift behavior of pile foundation in frozen soil is relatively limited, particularly in the case of combined effect of axial uplift and lateral loading. Interaction between pile and frozen soil and mechanism of load transfer along the pile shaft and around the pile tip still remain unclear. Therefore, this paper implements finite difference analysis within FLAC3D to investigate the behavior of pile foundation in frozen silty clay and gravelly sand under axial uplift behavior and the effect of ground condition and lateral loading on the uplift behavior. Because of the axisymmetric condition of the problem studied, only half of the model is simulated. The chosen domain of the medium is discretized into a set of quadrilateral elements and the pile is discretized by the cylinder element. The interaction between the soil and pile is considered according to interface elements. Mohr-Coulomb criterion is adopted to model the soil behavior (perfectly elastic-plastic), while the pile is simply considered as a rigid body. The soil parameters such as Young’s modulus, cohesion and internal friction angle used for numerical analyses are determined by laboratory tests and estimated according to the empirical correlations with in-situ tests. The present numerical modeling is verified with the results from field loading tests on pile foundations in Qinghai-Tibet ±550 kV transmission line project. On this basis, parametric studies are carried out to uncover the behavior of pile in frozen soil. It is observed that pullout is the dominant failure mechanism of pile and the uplift load-displacement curve clearly exhibits an asymptote, consisting of initially linear elastic, nonlinear transition, and finally linear regions. These results are consistent with the observations in a few previous studies. In addition, larger uplift capacity of pile foundation in freezing period and gravelly sand is gained (about 20%). Lateral loading increases the deflection and therefore, decreases the uplift capacity of pile foundation. For the convenience of using the results obtained in practice, the values of uplift factor for pile foundation in silty clay and gravelly sand are provided. Finally, it should be noted that the method used, and the results obtained in the current work could be useful for engineers and designers, at least providing them some qualitative evidence for pile design in seasonally frozen soil regions and permafrost regions. This is important and necessary to ensure the safety of construction in such regions. Meanwhile, numerical analyses in the current work can be a benchmark example for subsequent research studies.

Keywords: frozen soil ; pile foundation ; uplift ; capacity ; failure mechanism

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袁俊, 赵杰, 唐冲, 甘仁钧. 冻土区输电线路桩基础抗拔承载特性数值模拟研究[J]. 冰川冻土, 2022, 44(6): 1842-1852 doi:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2022.0160

YUAN Jun, ZHAO Jie, TANG Chong, GAN Renjun. Numerical analyses of uplift behavior of pile foundation for transmission line structure in frozen soil regions[J]. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology, 2022, 44(6): 1842-1852 doi:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2022.0160

0 引言

冻土是指0 ℃或0 ℃以下,并含有冰的各种岩石和土。按其生存时间,冻土可分为瞬时冻土、短时冻土、季节冻土、隔年冻土和多年冻土1。本文研究只涉及季节冻土和多年冻土。季节冻土通常定义为冻结持续时间不超过一年的岩土层,长江以北各省区都有季节冻土分布,约占我国陆地国土面积的一半。国际冻土协会(International Permafrost Association)将多年冻土定义为温度在0 ℃或低于0 ℃至少连续存在两年的岩土层,而多年冻土区约占我国陆地国土面积的1/5,主要分布在青藏高原、东北大小兴安岭和天山、阿尔泰山1。随着人类社会经济的发展,国内外(中国、加拿大、俄罗斯等)建筑、交通、能源等工程建设早已延伸至高寒冻土地区2-12。基础作为上部结构(房屋、桥梁、码头和其他构筑物)与岩土地基接触的承重构件,其作用是将结构自重与上部荷载传递至地基持力层。冻土区基础承载性状研究与设计是寒区工程建设的重要内容。


相较于房屋、桥梁等建筑结构,架空输电线路基础具有距离长、区域广,地质条件复杂,地基岩土物理力学性质差异较大等特点,受力也相对更复杂,除拉/压交变荷载外,还将承受因风、导线张力、地震等引起的水平荷载与倾覆力矩作用,抗拔和抗倾覆稳定性是杆塔基础设计的控制条件之一51。张树良等52以加拿大育空和美国阿拉斯加输电工程为例,从完善工程评估机制、建立和执行相关工程建设规范与技术标准、工程建设环境风险控制以及确保工程运营安全等方面,系统总结了国外冻土地区输电工程建设相关经验,为我国开展类似工程设计和施工提供有益的借鉴。程永锋等53通过室内模型试验,研究了青藏铁路110 kV输电线路冻土桩基在上拔、下压和倾覆荷载独立与组合作用下,桩侧冻结应力、桩基承载力、桩侧冻土抗力和冻土地基系数的变化规律。汪仁和等54-55以新疆某高压输电线路工程建设为背景,通过室内人工冻结条件下单桩静载模型试验,研究了不同冻结温度下单桩抗压、抗拔承载性状(桩身轴力、桩-土冻结强度沿桩身的分布规律,桩端阻力特性和桩顶竖向位移与荷载的关系等)。鲁先龙56以新疆皇吉220 kV输电线路电网工程建设为背景,基于室内模型试验研究了上拔荷载作用下冻土地基混凝土单桩的承载性能。李明轩57通过室内模型试验与有限元分析,研究了不同含水率、不同冻结温度的粉质黏土中扩展板式直柱、锥柱基础抗拔承载性能(土体破坏模式、上拔荷载-位移曲线等)。张章明58采用数值模拟方法,分析了多年冻土区架空输电线路抗拔承载性,冻土地基力学参数取值与相关因素影响、扩展板式直柱、掏挖、桩基础上拔荷载与位移关系等。吴彤等59以青藏直流联网工程为背景,进行了上拔和水平力组合荷载作用下管桩基础抗拔承载性能真型载荷试验研究。


1 桩基础-冻土相互作用机理

黄旭斌等49、张玺彦等50详细描述了土体冻胀与桩基础的相互作用关系(图1)。当外界温度低于0 ℃时,桩-土界面由水膜连接转变为冰膜的胶结或冻结。当土体水分达到起始冻胀含水量时,地基土体产生冻胀,破坏了土体原有的稳定结构。同时,冻土以下融土中的液态水开始向冻结锋面迁移,又加剧了土体冻胀。在此过程中,由于桩土性质不同,界面处的土体冻胀将受桩体约束不能完全冻胀,离桩越远约束就越小,超出一定距离后土体可自由冻胀。当土体冻胀产生的切向冻胀力超过冻结力时,桩基础与土体之间会产生相对滑动,将导致桩土相对滑动的最小应力定义为冻结剪切强度。基于切向冻胀力、冻结剪切强度、桩基础抗拉强度与抗拔承载力(通常由桩基自重与桩-土摩阻力提供),可产生以下几种效果:(1)桩基稳定(切向冻胀力大于冻结剪切强度,土体相对桩基滑动);(2)桩基拉断(切向冻胀力小于冻结强度,桩基内局部拉应力大于其抗拉强度);(3)桩基拔起(冻胀力小于冻结强度、大于承载力)。因此,在冻土区桩基础设计中,冻土层内切向冻胀力的量级需小于桩基抗拔承载力。


图1   季节冻土区桩基础-冻土相互作用机理示意图

Fig. 1   Representation of interaction between pile foundation and frozen soil in seasonally frozen soil regions

2 有限元模型


2.1 材料本构模型

杆塔桩基通常采用钢筋混凝土材料制成,其抗拉、抗剪强度远高于桩周土体。因此,本文将桩基视作弹性体,容重γp=25 kN·m-3,弹性模量Ep=30 GPa,泊松比υp=0.2。需要指出的是,模型中弹性模量取值只考虑了混凝土材料,而忽略了钢筋的作用,这是因为考虑与未考虑钢筋作用所导致的桩体弹性模量的差异对计算结果影响不大。不同于钢筋、混凝土等人工制造材料,岩土体是天然形成的复杂的地质介质。冻土是一种对温度极为敏感的土体介质,随温度周期性地发生正负变化,土体所含水分将发生相变与迁移,导致冻胀、融陷和流变等一系列复杂过程(冻融作用),进一步增加了问题复杂性。一般而言,杆塔基础埋深相对较浅,岩土地基在基础受荷过程中处于低围压状态,其应力-应变关系可用理想弹塑性模型描述。因此,本文采用基于Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则的弹塑性模型模拟岩土地基的应力-应变关系,该模型在岩土工程数值分析中应用非常广泛。

2.2 网格划分

桩基础设计埋深为11.5 m,露头高度0.5 m,桩径1.2 m[图2(a)]。桩体混凝土设计强度等级为C30。为消除边界效应影响,模型范围取为30 m×30 m×20 m立方形区域。基于对称性,本文取1/2基础和土体进行计算,编制三维数值计算程序,以竖向(桩身轴向)为Z轴,水平向为X轴和Y轴。地基基础均采用radcylinder圆柱形隧道外围渐变放射网格,选取cylinder柱体网格实体单元来进行桩体的数值模拟;按照地基土体与基础的距离来进行网格划分,划分的原则为根据距离由近到远,网格由密到疏[图2(b)]。整体计算模型共划分单元数45 682个,节点数58 421个。地基与基础间的滑动和开裂的模拟,则通过设置两者间界面的接触面来完成。


图2   模型计算范围(a)和有限元网格(b)

Fig. 2   Chosen domain of the problem analyzed (a) and mesh adopted for numerical analysis (b)

2.3 边界条件、加载方式与初始地应力

边界条件根据桩基受力特点设置如下:地表为自由面,不施加任何约束;模型底部和四个侧面不发生变形和位移,对其水平、竖直位移与转角施加约束。桩顶施加竖直上拔的均匀面荷载,采用应力加载方式进行逐级加载(每级200 kN),直至岩土地基发生破坏——岩土体塑性区拓展至地表。桩基础施工前,土体在初始重力作用下变形已经稳定。因此,土体初始位移场设置为0。

2.4 模型验证

选取青海—西藏±400 kV直流联网线路工程中桩基现场试验结果验证数值模型的合理性。该段输电线路北起柴达木换流站,南至拉萨换流站,全长1 038 km。该线路工程沿线平均海拔为4 500 m,最高海拔有5 300 m,不可避免地要遇到大量多年冻土问题。由于高原多年冻土物理力学性质的复杂性与空间变异性,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所、青海省建材科学研究院联合西北电力设计院,通过冻土物理力学特性试验(抗剪强度、剪切流变、冻胀与融化压缩等)确定冻土地基的物理力学参数(黏聚力、内摩擦角、压缩系数等)63。试验场地位于五道梁冻土区,以红色黏土为主。根据试验结果,相关模型参数取值如表1所示。

表1   岩土地基参数取值

Table 1  Parameters values of rock soil foundation


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在冻结期,活动层土体发生冻胀产生切向冻胀力,作用在活动层基础侧表面上(即冻结力)。根据现场试验数据和相关资料63,砾砂切向冻胀力约为45 kPa,冻结强度为50 kPa;粉质黏土的单位切向冻胀力为40~60 kPa,冻结强度为40 kPa。在数值模拟过程中将单位切向冻胀力直接施加在活动层基础侧表面;而对于冻土与基础间的抗剪强度,则通过设置地基与基础间接触面参数来完成。模拟以上拔和水平荷载作用下多年冻土区冻结期为主要工况。结果表明,数值模拟与现场试验荷载-位移曲线变化趋势相吻合(图3)。在相同荷载作用下,上拔、水平位移的计算结果与试验数据误差较小。由此可知,本文所采用的数值计算模型是准确、合理的。


图3   桩顶上拔(a)、水平(b)位移数值模拟与现场测试结果对比

Fig. 3   Comparison of uplift movement (a) and lateral deflection (b) from numerical analyses and load test data

3 冻土区桩基础抗拔承载性能


3.1 破坏模式


桩基础在上拔荷载作用下,首先是桩顶和桩身中下部周围土体发生塑性屈服[图4(a)]。随着上拔荷载逐级增加,桩顶周围土体塑性区逐渐向下延伸,桩身中部周围土体的塑性区则向上、下两侧延伸[图4(b)]。当延伸至冻结线时,塑性区有明显的内缩现象,桩侧周围土体塑性区贯通,形成直径略大于桩径的桶桩滑动面。由图5可知,桩基础周围土体的位移变化与塑性区的发展基本保持一致。当加载至1 800 kN时,桩周土体形成明显的位移分界面。荷载继续增加,桩基础会因位移急剧增大导致桩-土分离,桩基被整体拔出,整个基础体系丧失承载能力。


图4   上拔荷载作用下桩周土体塑性区发展过程

Fig. 4   Development of plastic zone of soil around the pile under uplift loading


图5   上拔荷载作用下桩周土体位移云图

Fig. 5   Displacement of soil around the pile under uplift loading



3.2 上拔荷载-位移曲线



图6   冻土区桩基础上拔荷载-位移曲线

Fig. 6   Uplift load-displacement curve of pile foundation in frozen soil regions



图7   水平荷载(a)及地基岩土性质(b)对桩基抗拔承载性能的影响

Fig. 7   Influence of lateral load (a) and geotechnical properties of foundation (b) on the anti-uplift capacity of pile foundation


4 桩基础抗拔系数


表2   季节冻土区粉质黏土、砾砂地基中桩基础抗拔系数

Table 2  Anti-uplift coefficient for pile foundation in silty clay and gravelly sand in seasonally frozen soil regions

粉质黏土融化期1 2671 7820.71
冻结期1.51 3721 7020.81
2.01 4281 5990.89
2.51 4861 5640.95
3.01 5291 5370.99
砾砂融化期1 3692 5700.53
冻结期1.51 6772 2960.73
2.01 7512 1830.80
3.01 8852 0930.90
4.01 9581 9621.00

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表3   多年冻土区粉质黏土、砾砂地基中桩基础抗拔系数

Table 3  Anti-uplift coefficient for pile foundation in silty clay and gravelly sand in permafrost regions

粉质黏土冻结期2 5552 5671.00
融化期1.52 3262 4830.94
2.02 1582 3500.92
2.51 9812 1740.91
3.01 7931 9900.90
砾砂冻结期2 9523 1760.93
融化期1.52 5632 9580.87
2.02 3662 7670.85
3.02 1472 5700.84
4.01 9902 3960.83

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5 结论





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